chapter 1

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In the quiet darkness, the sound of swords clashing echoed, reminding everyone of the city's beauty now stained with blood. Amid the eerie silence, people screamed in pain, mixing with cries of women and scared children, creating a haunting scene in the streets.

"I must retrieve my sword," declared the resolute king of Goguryeo , his voice tinged with determination.

On the desolate battlefield, the first prince and the second prince had already ventured, their fates shrouded in uncertainty. The kingdom held its breath, anxiously awaiting news of their well-being, for no one knew if they still walked the realm of the living.

As the king stood on the threshold of his once-beloved palace, a deep sorrow weighed upon his heart. He cast one last lingering gaze upon the grand halls that had witnessed countless memories, now engulfed in shadows of uncertainty.

His eyes welled with tears, mirroring the inner turmoil that plagued his soul, for he could not foresee whether he would return to the comforting embrace of his home or be forever lost to the abyss of the unknown.

With a profound sense of urgency, the king implored the loyal royal guard of the third prince , Min yoongi , "

"Take utmost care of my son, I beseech you. He is not meant to be a mere pawn on the battlefield. He is far too precious, too dear, to be subjected to the harsh realities of war."

It was a rare moment for the king to request anything from anyone, but he knew the stakes were too high to remain stoic.

Moved by the gravity of his king's plea, the royal guard knelt before him, solemnly vowing, "I shall shield His Royal Highness with every fiber of my being, Your Majesty. My life is but a small price to pay for his safety and wellbeing."

"Should the tidings turn grim and unfavourable news break , flee from here, and take my son to the Duhak tribe. Hand this sealed parchment  to their leader," the king instructed, pressing the paper into the guard's hand. "They will keep him safe and guide him with wisdom in times of uncertainty."

The royal guard nodded, accepting the weight of the king's request.  The fate of the young prince now rested on his shoulders, and he was resolved to fulfill his duty, come what may.

Jungkook, the third prince of the illustrious Goguryeo kingdom, for his whole life  remained blissfully unaware of the vastness that lay beyond the castle walls.

He embodied an innocence that seemed too delicate for the unforgiving nature of the world outside, shielded within the comforting confines of his home. Unlike other royals, he didn't carry himself with an air of entitlement, for he saw no distinction between himself and the humblest of subjects. Guided by the cherished teachings of his beloved father, he embraced a profound sense of equality and compassion, treating everyone with the same warmth and respect. Little did he know that soon, circumstances would thrust him beyond his familiar haven.

Before the tides of war engulfed the kingdom, the third prince, Jungkook, would often  slip into the market place under the veil of disguise, yearning to witness the wonders of the outer world. The spectacle of the market's night-time illumination, the fragrant allure of the women selling perfume pouches, and the tantalizing aroma of street food beckoned him with an irresistible charm. Despite being a prince, he felt an overwhelming sense of belonging amidst the vibrant atmosphere.

Jungkook's ethereal beauty was renowned far and wide, yet no one had the privilege of beholding his face in person. Admirers from far-off lands
, both princes and princesses, sought his hand in marriage, but their efforts remained in vain , no one caught the eyes of the prettiest prince .

In his somber royal chamber, Jungkook received the gut-wrenching news from his loyal guard about his father's departure for the battlefield.

As a son, he was overwhelmed with devastation, knowing the perilous odds that his father faced in the midst of the raging war. Yet, as a prince, he couldn't help but swell with pride, admiring his father's bravery and commitment to defending the kingdom alongside his soldiers.

Days blurred into sleepless nights as the war raged on relentlessly. The prince's heart weighed heavy with the uncertainty of his family's fate.

No news had reached him about his brothers, his father,In moments of profound sorrow and uncertainty, Jungkook couldn't help but yearn for the presence of his beloved mother, the queen, who had departed this world when he was  merely a 10-year-old child .

In the realm of royal highness, an urgent and distressing message reached the prince's ears. His loyal guard, Min Yoong, delivered the grave news as he struggled to catch his breath. The battlefield had borne ill tidings after eight long days and seven harrowing nights.

Their fears were confirmed - the king, beloved ruler of the land, was now a captive in the hands of a rival king. The weight of ensuring the prince's safety fell heavily on Min Yoong's shoulders, as he had promised the king to protect his son at all costs, even with his own life.

"His Royal Highness, bearing the solemn decree of His Majesty, he  commanded that in the event of unfavorable tidings, we must undertake a hasty flight from this realm." Min Yoongi conveyed the prince .

"His Royal Highness, for we must urgently depart from this place. "He added .

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