chapter 6

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Jin left the prince's chamber, bidding him a good night

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Jin left the prince's chamber, bidding him a good night. The prince looked around the newly found chamber in the tribe, his temporary home until conditions were suitable for him to return to his palace where he truly belonged.

A genuine smile crept onto his face as he settled on the bed, not as lavish as his original bed, but it felt like home.

The masculine scent emanating from the bed calmed him, and he took a deep breath, trying to capture the comforting aroma.

His thoughts shifted to his family—his father and brothers. He prayed they were safe and alive, and tears glistened in his eyes.

His mind then wandered back to his journey from the palace to this tribe, and a particular figure filled his thoughts—Kim Taehyung.

The memory of Taehyung fearlessly fighting the enemies, all while keeping eye contact with him, flashed through his mind.

Their conversation in the tribe had been surprisingly comfortable, but the memory of Taehyung's loathing expression when he discovered Jungkook's royal status weighed heavily on his heart.

The prince's gaze settled on the silhouette of Taehyung cast on the chamber wall, visible from the inside. He stood up, drawn to the shadow, and placed his hands on it.

"Please  tell, why do thou harbor such disdain for me?" he asked, his voice tinged with hurt and vulnerability.

""Please don't hate me ,"  he pleaded to the silhouette, longing for a chance to bridge the gap and mend their relationship.

"Shall he remain vigilant throughout the night?" the prince pondered to himself.

He couldn't bear the thought of burdening Taehyung with the duty of guarding the chamber all night.

Back in the palace, the guards would change shifts, but here, he didn't wish to impose such a burden on Taehyung.

With a mix of nervousness and overflowing emotions, the prince stepped outside the chamber to see the man who held his heart, standing in silence.

"A-are you intending to stand guard for the entire night?" the prince asked, his emotions causing him to stutter.

“Do I have a choice?” Taehyung retorted with a scoff, adding mockingly, “Your royal highness.”

"Please, let us drop the formalities and address me by my name," the prince pleaded, hoping for a more genuine conversation.

Taehyung's response was laced with venom as he retorted, "How can I refrain from addressing a prince like you with the title that the royals hold in such high regard, above people and everything else?"

The prince tried to defend himself, "Not all royals are the same, good sir."

Taehyung's words were filled with scorn, showing no sign of relenting, "Oh, Your Royal Highness, I know the likes of royals such as you. You may deceive the tribe with your feigned generosity, but I see through your act."

The weight of Taehyung's hate was too much for Jungkook to bear.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he struggled to hold them back. Rubbing his eyes with the rough edges of his sleeves, he tried to conceal his emotions, but it was futile ,

the prince was hyperventilating, sniffling , overwhelmed by the emotions and fact that he recieved such hatred from the person he holds affection for . The prince's tears fell freely, his vulnerability exposed.

Seeing the prince crying like a baby touched the heart of the warrior, but anger at himself for causing the younger man's pain boiled inside him.

Taehyung couldn't help but curse under his breath as he gazed upon the vulnerable prince, who appeared ethereal even in his moment of distress. Godforbid no sane person shall find delight in the suffering of other person, but he couldn't deny the undeniable beauty of the prince even while crying.

Feeling frozen and unsure of how to comfort the prince, Taehyung watched helplessly as Jungkook turned and headed back into the chamber, his sobs echoing in the air. The sight tugged at Taehyung's heart, leaving him feeling torn and conflicted.

Inside the chamber, the prince threw himself onto the bed, seeking solace in the familiar manly scent that surrounded him. Trying to muffle his cries, he buried his face into the pillow.

"Why, amidst countless souls in this vast world, does he have to hate me?" the prince questioned himself, his voice filled with pain.

The soothing scent of his bed gradually calmed him, and soon, the prince found himself drifting to sleep, still carrying the weight of his emotions.

Tears flowed silently as he cried himself to sleep, longing for understanding and acceptance from the man who currently loathed him.

When Taehyung noticed that the prince’s cries had ceased, he couldn’t resist entering the chamber .

When Taehyung entered the prince's chamber, he was taken aback by the sight before him. Jungkook lay there, wrapped in the sheets like a baby, illuminated by the gentle glow of the lantern .

Despite the dim light, Taehyung felt as though the prince was emitting his own radiant glow.. Despite the hatred he held in his heart, Taehyung couldn't deny the captivating beauty that the prince exuded, even in his vulnerable state.

Unable to resist the urge to get a closer look, Taehyung cautiously approached the sleeping prince.

His heart ached at the tear stains on Jungkook's cheeks, evidence of the sorrow he had endured. The prince's closed eyes revealed the telltale signs of his recent cries, causing Taehyung's own heart to tighten with emotion.

As Taehyung's gaze fell on the mole above the prince's nose and the one beneath his lip, he couldn't help but find them endearing. The scar on Jungkook's cheek drew his attention, and he marveled at how something perceived as an imperfection only added to the prince's breathtaking allure. He was torn between his feelings of hate and the undeniable beauty before him.

Taehyung found himself inexplicably drawn closer to the prince, unable to resist the magnetic pull of the emotions swirling inside him. His heart wavered between the disdain he clung to and the unspoken attraction that had begun to blossom deep within him.

Conflicted, Taehyung hesitated for a moment before extending his hand. He gently brushed his fingers over Jungkook's cheek, a touch filled with both tenderness and resentment. The prince stirred slightly, and Taehyung quickly pulled his hand away, almost as if he had been caught doing something he shouldn't.

Hatred still consumed him, but the sight of Jungkook lying there, so painfully beautiful, stirred something inside Taehyung. He couldn't explain the swirling emotions within, but he knew that despite the animosity, there was an undeniable connection between them that he couldn't ignore.

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