chapter 2

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Prince Jungkook, along with Park Jimin, bravely escaped the palace under the guidance of the loyal royal bodyguard Min Yoongi. Their path was fraught with danger, and the bodyguard fought valiantly, eliminating any foes with his sword that stood in their way.

After several hours of journeying, they reached a high hill that offered a breathtaking view of their once beloved home. However, it was now a haunting reminder of the pain, death, and devastation inflicted by the ongoing conflict.

"I know not whether I shall ever return to this place again or not," the prince uttered, contemplating the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Gazing back at the palace, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He knew deep down that this escape might be the last time he set eyes on his home .

He was innocent, but he was far from naive. He fully understood the grim possibilities that lay ahead - the potential demise of his beloved father, at the hands of a rival ruler, or the cruel ruler's merciless intentions towards his brothers after gaining what he desired.

Jungkook was well aware of his limitations as a non-warrior, realizing that he could be nothing more than a mere pawn in the cruel ruler's power games.

Four days had elapsed since the commencement of their journey, yet the destination that the king had entrusted the royal guard to lead Prince Jungkook to remained far away somewhere . They traversed through dense jungles and vast plains, but the distant location seemed ever out of reach.

The young prince had never experienced such prolonged walking, nor had he endured the pangs of hunger before, but now both burdens weighed heavily upon him. Despite his weariness, Jungkook chose to bear the discomfort in silence, not wanting to burden his fellow companions on this arduous quest.

Observing the prince's empathetic nature, both the loyal royal guard and his devoted assistant were filled with pride.

As they ventured through yet another dense jungle, the wear and tear of the journey had left Prince Jungkook covered in dust and dirt, with his clothing showing signs of distress. Despite the hardships, his ethereal presence remained intact, giving  a regal aura that couldn't be dimmed.

Suddenly, their progress was interrupted by the sound of approaching hooves - a horse rapidly approaching their location.

In a hushed tone, Yoongi cautioned the prince to stand beside him, ensuring his safety and concealment from the potential intruder. Jimin and yoongi  prepared to face the unknown ,  ready to protect their royal highness at all costs.

Soon they were surrounded by ten horses and the men of the rival king, Prince Jungkook found himself facing the very threat he had feared. The news of his escape had reached the rival king's ears, prompting him to his soldiers to capture the fairest and prettiest prince.

In the face of danger, Yoongi and Jimin sprang into action, drawing their swords to protect their beloved prince. They positioned themselves on either side of Jungkook, determined to shield him from harm.

As the clash of swords resounded in the air, the prince's anxiety soared to new heights. Violence was never something he favored, and the tears began to fall uncontrollably down his cheeks.

He struggled to maintain his composure and strength. His loyal companions fought with  determination, but the prince's heart weighed heavily with the turmoil of the situation.

In the face of overwhelming odds, Yoongi and Jimin fought valiantly, but the opposing force of 20-25 men was a stark imbalance.

Tragically, during the fierce combat, Yoongi suffered a grievous injury, a sword striking his abdomen. The prince's heart sank as he witnessed his loyal companion's pain and sacrifice to protect him.

Fear and sorrow gripped Jungkook's heart, and his determination wavered, seeing the consequences of this treacherous journey.

Jimin, now burdened with not only guarding the prince but also protecting the injured Yoongi, fought on with unwavering resolve.

In the midst of the intense battle, one of the enemy men managed to grab hold of Prince Jungkook from the side, exploiting the moment when Jimin was preoccupied with three adversaries at once. Yoongi, though seriously injured, continued to fight beside them, displaying immense resilience.

"Look what we have here , his royal highness, the prettiest prince to exist ",The captor taunted the prince.

" Looks like the rumors werenot wrong ", another one remarked smirking ,licking his lips . Jungkook's heart sank listening to the remarks and gestures of the enemies  , he  squirmed in the man's grasp.

Jimin's heart sank as he heard the conversation ." His highness ", With concern and urgency, he called out jungkook , trying to reach him and protect him from the clutches of their enemies.

"Unhand me!" the prince demanded , his tone commanding and firm .

As Jimin heard the sound of another horse approaching, hope flickered in his heart that perhaps it could be someone friendly, someone who could aid them in their dire situation. Filled with desperation and realizing he had nothing to lose, he mustered all his strength and shouted, "Help, help!" in a desperate plea for assistance.

However, the enemy men scoffed and mocked his cry for help, reveling in their cruel intentions.

The prince, still struggling against his captor, fought to hold back his tears, refusing to show any sign of weakness.

Deep inside, his heart sank at the harrowing thoughts of what these ruthless individuals might have in store for him and his loyal companions. The uncertainty of their fate weighed heavily on his mind, and the urgency for a savior grew with every passing moment.

The arrival of the horse and its rider brought a glimmer of hope to the desperate situation. The man had his face covered with black scarf , his long greyish black  hair braided , his chest covered with metallic vest , his demeanor speaking authority.

"Please save us , I beg you sir  ",In a desperate plea for assistance, Jimin begged for help.

In a swift and decisive move, the new savior dismounted from his horse, drawing his arrows and aiming directly at the man who held the prince captive. The prince shivered with both fear and anticipation as he watched the events unfold. His lips quivered, and he instinctively raised a hand to cover his ears and shut his eyes close trying to shield himself from the sounds of the battle that raged around him.

The new savior never took his eyes off the prince , despite the chaos, . He continued to engage in fierce combat with the enemy, all the while keeping a vigilant watch over the innocent prince.
The sound of metal to metal echoed in the middle of the woods .

After sometime jungkook opened his eyes and ran to yoongi who was laying on the ground in pool of blood .

" Hyung ", he cried , taking the hand of his bodyguard in his  shaking hands

To their immense relief, three more individuals arrived to lend their support. They joined forces to fight off the rivals of the prince, creating a formidable defense against their heartless adversaries.

"well I am enjoying it " one of the new comrades shared a surprising sentiment.

" Yaa very well",The brave man, whom the others looked up to, responded with agreement, his deep velvety voice giving chills to the enemies .

As the prince heard this exchange, it was as if his senses were abruptly restored, something in the man's voice stirred him, drawing him to look at his way and the prince  met with  the eyes that had once captured his heart years ago -' the eyes of the forsaken',who were already looking his way

In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. The prince found himself lost in those familiar eyes .

The chaos of the battle faded momentarily as he felt a stirring of emotions he had suppressed for so long.

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