chapter 15

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"Another one, Kookie, please another one," the teenagers started requesting.

"I... I seriously can't memorize any," Jungkook said in a tiny voice, not happy that the muse of his words, his poetry, is missing, not listening to the words meant for him.

"Please, Cythera," a child came and sat in the lap of Jungkook, requesting him.

The child cupped the cheeks of the elder. "One more, my sister will be happy if you orate one more," the child spoke, overwhelming Jungkook.

How can he ignore the request of a child for his sister?

"I will read one for you and your sister, okay?" Jungkook said lovingly, kissing the cheeks of the child.

He looked around, all the anticipating eyes on him, the whole surrounding became silent.

"When you touch me with love, I could peacefully perish,
Come, let me get lost in your embrace,
In you alone, I want to dwell,
I want to lose myself in your name,
Beloved, oh beloved.
My heart dances with joy through the nights,
Every moment sinking deeper and deeper,
Whether I win or lose in your love, my life is surrendered,
Oh, in such a state, I revel, I sing your praises.
All my bonds are tied to your name,
Beloved, oh beloved.
This soft intoxication keeps growing,
Someone gently lifts me up with love,
Now my mind has become crazy,
The world has become illuminated,
This lost soul
Has become your devotee,
Beloved, oh beloved.
Even if there are diamonds and pearls, I desire only you.
I don't know,
only you know,
I am yours,
you are mine...
I am yours...
You are mine..."

Jungkook finished his heartfelt poetry and looked up, the cheers erupted, everyone was clapping and clanging their chopsticks on the glasses in praise, while Jin was getting emotional knowing for whom it was written, knowing how painful it is for Jungkook.

While Jungkook was lost, when he lifted his eyes, he was met with the eyes of the forsaken, the person with whom his heart belongs now.

Both were looking at each other, getting lost. Unknown to Jungkook, a tear slipped from his eyes, gone unnoticed by everyone but Taehyung's, who formed a fist under the table.

The fest continued, with jokes of Jin and stories of Namjoon and others, filling the surroundings with laughter. Jungkook laughed a lot; everyone admired his beauty; he was the moon of the tribe, everglowing.

"This is the oldest and best alcohol of our tribe," Hoseok squealed, pouring a jar of alcohol into the glasses, serving it to Jungkook, Jimin, and Yoongi.

Jungkook doesn't have a good tolerance with alcohol, but does anyone need to know this? No, they don't, since he loves consuming it on events whenever he gets a chance, no matter what's the aftermath of it.

Jimin gulped it in one go, so did Yoongi.

Jungkook happily took the glass of alcohol in his hands like a child, looking as if a child is having milk. He gulped a big glass of alcohol in one go.

Taehyung's eyes shot open looking at him; not in a million years did he think that this fragile, beautiful doll can chuck a whole glass in one go.

Everyone started consuming alcohol, but no one paid attention to how many glasses Jungkook drank, except Taehyung, now he was worried for the younger.

He looked at Jimin, who was dizzy, laying on Yoongi, who was laughing and clapping his hands, calling for Jimin, who was laying on his lap, as if he was some far away.

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