chapter 20

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Days turned into nights, and still, there was no news from the battlefield. Two long, agonizing months had passed since Taehyung departed for war alongside his comrades. Jungkook spent his days immersed in the tasks of the tribe: dyeing carpets, crafting pillow covers, and teaching the children how to read and write. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, he retreated to quiet corners, where he fervently prayed for the safety of his beloved. His heart ached for the one bound to him by the red thread.

Jin, along with the entire tribe, shared Jungkook's concern. The younger prince had forgotten the art of laughter and conversation, his heart weighed down by  the absence of his beloved. Jungkook's appetite dwindled with each passing day, the mere thought of Taehyung's empty stomach on the battlefield suffocating his own hunger. He watched helplessly as his frame grew thinner, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

Only in the presence of the children did Jungkook muster a semblance of a smile, though it felt like a fragile facade masking an open wound.

"Kookie hyungie, can you help me read this?" a child approached and settled in the lap of the prince, adorned in a white hanfu. Gathered around him were a group of children, their eyes bright with curiosity as thin sheets of paper, inscribed with characters in black ink by Jungkook, lay before them, a testament to their shared quest for knowledge.

Jungkook smiled at him and nodded.

As he took the rolled piece of paper in his hands, his fingers trembled,

As he took the rolled piece of paper in his hands, his fingers trembled,

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("I am doing okay, don't worry, doll.
                                      ~Kim Taehyung.)

Jungkook smiled through tears, a small teardrop slipping from his eye as he beheld the letter from his beloved. Though Taehyung was a man of few words, each one was enough to calm the burning soul of the prince.

"Thank you so much," Jungkook whispered, pressing a kiss to the child's forehead.

"Don't worry, Kookie hyungie, Stoneheart hyung will come back soon. He's been to many wars before," the child, nearly age 11, reassured, sitting near Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled at the nickname bestowed upon Taehyung by the children. While Taehyung may present himself as Stoneheart, Jungkook knew the warmth that resided within the warrior's heart, a heart brimming with emotions that could drown the world.

From afar, Jin, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok smiled as they watched Jungkook, glad to see a smile return to the younger prince's face after two long months.

As evening descended, Jungkook made his way to his chamber and once again looked at the letter. After kissing it, he held it close to his chest before placing it in a wooden chest.

"Be safe, please," he whispered.

While ,On the battlefield, Taehyung fought with relentless determination, his sword slicing through the air as he parried and struck against the enemy forces. His comrades fought alongside him, their shouts mingling with the clash of weapons and the screams of the wounded. Arrows whistled through the air, finding their marks amidst the chaos. Taehyung's own comrades were not unscathed; some staggered from grievous wounds, while others fought on despite their injuries, their faces twisted in grim determination.

Taehyung himself was not untouched by the brutality of the fight. Blood trickled from a gash on his cheek, his arms bore scratches and bruises from countless clashes, and his clothes were stained with sweat and dirt. Yet, despite the pain and exhaustion, there was only one thought running in his mind ........" he have to be safe .....for jungkook , if his doll wishes something it's command for taheyung to comply to it" .

In the dead of night, Jungkook bolted upright from a fitful sleep, his heart pounding in his chest. Beads of sweat dotted his brow as he grappled with the remnants of a harrowing nightmare. In his dream, he saw Taehyung, lying wounded and vulnerable on the blood-soaked battlefield, surrounded by enemies closing in. The vision haunted him, stirring a tumult of fear and anguish within him.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jungkook sprang from his bed and raced towards jin's chamber .

Finally reaching Jin's chamber, Jungkook burst through the door, his chest heaving with exertion and anxiety. Jin, seated at his desk engrossed in tribal matters, looked up in surprise at the sight of Jungkook's distressed state.

"Matron" Jungkook gasped, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Matron... I have a bad feeling," Jungkook cried as he threw himself into Jin's arms.

"Kook, breathe for me, please," Jin implored, panic creeping into his voice as he gazed at the distressed younger prince, his heart heavy with concern..


Don't forget to comment .

Yes the letter is written by me ....took me long enough to write every word correctly .....i hope I didn't mess up , yes the writting is ancient Chinese since there were no hangul in goguryeo Empire , korean was written in Chinese characters ' hanja ' so I did write the sentence in hanja .

i hope I didn't mess up , yes the writting is ancient Chinese since there were no hangul in goguryeo Empire , korean was written in Chinese characters ' hanja ' so I did write the sentence in hanja

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Behind the scenes .

It took me four times to write the characters correctly .

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