V4 C5 - The Hidden Developments

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“I am a cage, in search of a bird.”
- Franz Kafka

Day 3 - Rest Day

As we all agreed on Outcome 1, the Snake Group had our 3rd and 4th discussions passed by like a breeze and today is a rest day for us.

While the other students looked like they were distraught from the recent happenings, I'm just taking this test like I usually do, so I didn't suffer from it.

Well, except for one thing.

“And what about the fact that you slapped Kiyotaka-kun’s ass? What's up with that, Ryuuen-kun?” I asked while crossing my arms together.

And there was Ryuuen, all battered up from the punches I caused him during our morning training today, just like during Day 1. And that's two times in a week already.

“Why are you so protective of that doll-face, Shirayuki? I don't think that you wouldn't know something that's hiding behind those cold eyes of his, do you?” Ryuuen asked, while in a seiza.

“I actually know Ryuuen-kun, as I said earlier, it's because I'm his childhood friend. But that's business that you don't want to budge in, since it's different from class competition.” I said to him in a serious manner as of this lie is true, which made Ryuuen click his tongue and retort back.

“As if I would believe that, Shirayuki. But I'll leave that aside for now.” Ryuuen furrowed his eyes for a moment before adding.

“Hiyori told me that it was Koenji who solved it. It's indeed Minamikata after she confirmed it through her reaction.

With that one out, along with the identity of our VIPs, the deal that I made with Kanzaki, and your hit with that Motodoi girl in Rooster, we cracked the code in this one.” Ryuuen stated as I sighed in exasperation.

“The only thing left to do is to make sure that we have our hold on this secret, but I doubt that it'll be the case if others would know the identity of the other VIPs that got booted out of the test.

What's your game plan for this, Ryuuen?” I explained before asking for his plan of action. He smirked at me and responded.

“It's all set up for tomorrow's show, Shirayuki. As long as you're staying with your verbal promise to have the Snake Group trigger Outcome 1, we'll solidify our class standing and pass your challenge.”

Ryuuen said as I took two water bottles and tossed one to him, which he caught perfectly.

“That's all for the morning training. You've been improving, but it's still not enough to beat me.” I said as he clicked his tongue.

“You're the monstrous one here, Shirayuki. A girl’s strength should not be equal to that of a boy.” Ryuuen responded curtly.

“I've already built the foundation before I went into this school. It's only a matter of time before I reach the A+ rating in physical ability.” I said to Ryuuen with a smile as the two of us sat on the bench and stayed like that for our rest after workout.

At lunch time, the entire friend group went to the main dining hall. After we finished ordering our food, we started talking while waiting for our food.

“Shirayuki-chan, how's Arisu-san doing? I heard that she can't participate in the two exams?” Hiyori asked.

“She's quite enthusiastic when the two of us were playing chess. She can't move in a rigorous manner since she has a congenital heart disease.” I answered, to which Ibuki asked.

Classroom of the Elite Fanfiction: The Snow Queen's 1st YearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin