V3 C3 - A Summer Vacation Like No Other

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“À vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire.”
- An excerpt from “Le Cid” written by Pierre Corneille.


After walking inside the forest for several minutes, I came across a bald man with a green-haired person and a yellow-haired individual.

After being summoned here by Yellow Hair-kun, whom I know as Hashimoto Masayoshi-kun, I certainly know where it will lead.

“So… What business do you want with me, Katsuragi Kouhei-kun?” I asked with a slight smirk on my face.

Katsuragi notices this and stiffened for a moment before he gets his stoic face back and responds to my question.

“Nakaizumi Shirayuki-san, I'll gladly buy some of your supplies, just name your price.” He said in a straightforward manner.

Huh? Wasn't that Ryuuen's idea that does that, instead of Katsuragi himself?

What's going on...

I looked at Hashimoto for a moment as he's jusy vibing there with a smile.

Probably his fault of suggesting something like that to that poor conservative guy's face.

“Buying our supplies? With private points, I assume?” I acted surprised for a moment before smirking as I asked that question.

“Precisely. We won't be able to last with our current arrangements due to Sakayanagi’s absence.” Katsuragi answered with the same tone as before.

“Even if an alliance is opened between Class A and B because of this, I believe that this won't last long. What more could it be with this sort of contractual arrangement based on private points? Our class isn't exactly lacking in one anyway.” I said as Totsuka Yahiko started barking.

“You bitch, who do you think you ar—?!?!” Before Yahiko would have continued his barking, I let out a murderous intent towards both Katsuragi and Yahiko.

“Kouhei-kun, control your dog. I'm not ticked off because of what he's saying to me, but your conservative approach will come back to bite you against progress.

You cannot turtle your way to maintain your standing when we're coming to your class to bulldoze you lot out of that standing. So fight well, or our class will dominate you all after this.” I said to the three of them who were shocked at the development before I smirked again which pulled the two out from the pressure I exerted to them.

Afterwards, I left our meeting place as I achieved our objective to bring down more of Katsuragi’s faction.

I hope Sakayanagi wouldn't mind going down to Class B.


When I came back to the camp from the meeting with Katsuragi, everyone had started doing their jobs. There's someone cooking for everyone’s lunch for later, there's also a role for someone to bring everyone their drinks, and most of the people were doing what they can to enjoy their summer vacation.

Some were lounging underneath their parasols, and then the others were enjoying the beach with some even going as far as renting a banana boat and jet skis to ride on and enjoy their summer vacation to the foolest.

All in all, it's definitely a summer vacation like no other for everyone present that's within the allotted 150 points for those two days and nights.

“Aren't you going for a swim, Yukihime?” Ryuuen asked with a smug look on his face after drinking half of the soda that he's holding right now before putting it on the small table beside the bench.

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