V4 Prologue - Satisfaction

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“Astra inclinant, sed non obligant.”
- Anonymous

“That ends our training for this morning, Shirayuki.” Kiyotaka said as I breathed heavily from exhaustion towards today’s training since we reserved the entire gym for the morning.

“Thank you, Kiyotaka.” I said while still breathing air heavily.

Even when he's holding back his power, he still managed to overpower me. The last fight lasted me 30 minutes before I would completely use up my stamina.

And this guy could keep up for hours?

“Water, Shirayuki.” Kiyotaka offered, which I accepted.

“Thanks for that after-care, Kiyotaka-kun.” I said sarcastically as I drank the water that he gave me.

“What do you mean by that, Shirayuki?” He asked while being oblivious.

I sighed in exasperation as I replied to him.

“To think that we would go straight to training after I just got my first time with you… You're quite a sadist, aren't you, Kiyotaka-kun?” I said teasingly as he replied.

“What do you think I should do, Shirayuki?” He asked, which I answered immediately.

“Marry me, then.” I teased as he paused for a moment as if he's thinking about it.

This made me shocked and flustered upon realizing that he's actually going to answer it quite seriously.

“J-just kidding, K-Kiyotaka-kun! It's just a joke!” I frantically said, changing my mind.

After I said that, I noticed that Kiyotaka seemed a bit disappointed but that's only guessing from his subtle changes in expressions.

“Maybe I'll consider that topic once Kiyotaka-kun can transfer to Class A.” I muttered as I looked at him and he had an expectant look in his eyes.

Oh wow, that Kiyotaka really is that curious about love.

“Let's get rid of that topic for now, Kiyotaka-kun since it's not the right time to discuss it deeply.” I said to Kiyotaka as he responded.

“What do you mean by that topic being not the right time to discuss?” He asked.

As he said that, we heard a person walking towards our direction.

“Nakaizumi of Class A and Ayanokoji of Class D, what an unlikely pairing we have here.” It was Mashima-sensei who was coming towards us.

“Mashima-sensei, I didn't expect you here as well.” I responded with a smile as Mashima-sensei stopped for a few moments before smirking.

“I usually go everyday when it's vacation, but only on the weekends during school days.” He said as he added.

“How about you two? I heard that you two were going out already?” Mashima-sensei added which made me sigh.

I got questioned by my classmates on our online chat room, even though everyone is pretty much positive about the rumor.

Nonetheless, I don't see Kiyotaka romantically, as much as I enjoy teasing him about romance.

Well, not yet, at least.

“That's quite overblown, Sensei. Kiyotaka-kun and I are just old friends. He releases an atmosphere that's similar to that of a lost pet, after all, so I can't help but be with him, you know?” I said with a smirk on my face.

“No wonder both Class A and Class D had the highest scores during the Island Exam.” Mashima-sensei responded as I chuckled for a bit before retorting back.

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