V2 SS1 - Kushida Kikyo's Thoughts on Nakaizumi Shirayuki

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The first time I heard of Nakaizumi-san, I thought that she's quite a violent woman. The fact that she had asserted her influence inside the class within the day is quite surprising to me.

Not only did she have absolute control of her class, she had the capabilities that were only matched by the likes of the Class A’s Sakayanagi and Katsuragi-san, but she also elevated her class from the former-Class C to Class B within just a single month after the Behavior Exam.

I want to know more about her, so I went to see her in person. But by the time we arrived there, she was already gone and I can't help but think that she's quite busy due to a lot of things on her plate.

This is why I asked around about what others thought about her, and I am shocked to see what the majority thought of her. Aside from Shiho-chan’s thoughts on Nakaizumi-san being moderate at best due to her first impression, everyone else praised her a lot.

She got perfect scores in her exams and quizzes but has also paid attention to the class and adhered to the rules, which would've been impossible at all. She's also quite sociable towards her classmates while maintaining distance professionally as she's quite close to the top students academically within her class like Hiyori-chan and Satoru-kun.

I also heard how she defended and even overwhelmed her opponent in self defense during their first day of the class, which makes her unfathomable in the eyes of others. This made me more curious about how such a person ended up in Class C though.

After all, no humans are ever perfect nor could meet the ceiling on everything a human could do. There is always an imperfection that I can find in a person like Nakaizumi-san who is regarded as a perfect person from others' eyes.

If I were to find this imperfection, I know I can use this to my advantage as I start talking to her.

And I found this chance not long after since we got the news that Sudou-kun caused someone to fall badly and had a concussion as a result of that during their basketball practice.

I thought that they would come to our room and start our talks by then, but that damn Horikita Suzune got notified about it first and had already talked to her. When I asked Horikita the next day about what happened, she diverted the topic towards Sudou’s status instead so I can't even pierce through her defense at all.

That damn Horikita Suzune, doing what she likes as if she enjoys me being humiliated like this and not giving me the peace that I deserve.

But then, there was a school forum thread that talked about a third year Class D student dating someone from Class 1-B. When I found the name, the anonymous poster explicitly mentioned Nakaizumi Shirayuki-san as the female student in that photo.

Looking at her picture, she actually has some resemblance to Horikita a little bit with different eyes and a white hair as if she's Horikita’s antithesis. Her facial expressions on those photographs looked really genuine and she has a different feeling emanating just from it alone.

She's like Honami-chan but a lot more competent-looking and does not wear a facade at all.

It's totally normal to be rumored, but the fact that there were a lot of negative reactions surrounding this, especially for the fact that someone from the so-called “Defective” class to be in a relationship with someone of a high-standing like Nakaizumi-san, made me sense that there's someone purposefully trying to bring Nakaizumi-san socially.

That rumor persisted for a little bit before it mysteriously disappeared the day after Sudou-kun's trial had ended with both classes agreeing to a settlement.

Losing 6,250 private points isn't that much for me, but everyone else didn't agree with what Horikita suggested.

If it weren't for me and Hirata-kun pushing others, I would've seen her face of despair. But that is simply not the time for that since the school’s punishment for Sudou-kun might be harsher since we just got some positive class points from zero for 2 months.

When it was time for the point transfer to happen, Hirata-kun, Ayanokoji-kun and I got invited by Horikita to oversee the process. This also means that I could finally see Nakaizumi-san in the flesh for the first time ever.

When I saw a glimpse of Nakaizumi-san for the first time, I couldn't help but get bewildered by her beauty.

While she doesn't have the type of body to the likes of Honami-chan or even I, the mature air that she exudes matches that of her really beautiful face.

She might have easily been within the top 5 most beautiful within our year.

After the point transfer completed, Horikita asked a naive question, which Nakaizumi-san laughed at it and gave Horikita a reality check, her air suddenly turned into an authoritarian one as if the pressure that she's exuding to us were more than enough for me to even obey by her command at all.

It doesn't sit well with me at all. Not just that, but I can't see through Nakaizumi-san at all as if she doesn't have a facade which can never happen for a person.

People adhere to each other's standards by making a facade that matches that to their counterparts in order to be socially accepted.

And she does not use one at all.

And besides, the chilly feeling of her taking everything from me with my clothes not even being spared and leaving me with this ugly creature behind the mask that I'm wearing out in the open for everyone to see. I felt all of that in my mind while nothing really happened on the outside, with just her overwhelming pressure being exuded out.

Worst of all, she made it easy to see through my mask quite easily, and there's a few things that I can describe her at this moment.

She's inhuman. A human-shaped monster. She will become someone that achieves the top of the food chain without much effort at all, and I am totally scared of her capabilities.

But I need to get rid of her if needed to be.

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