V3 SS1 - Sakayanagi Arisu's Thoughts On Nakaizumi Shirayuki

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An anomaly within the chessboard that I concocted, that is Nakaizumi Shirayuki.

She's a very confident and intelligent girl that I would enjoy having as an entertainment. Having someone else being blessed with the same eugenical characteristic like mine of being a genetic genius has answered my hopes for a true challenge.

For obvious reasons, I would applaud her for having one of the highest physical abilities within the school, which even matches that of Kitou-san from my class.

But to also have a genius-levels of foresight, insight, and even her style of leadership that mixes in imperturbability and having a dominion-like hold of her class like me within only a day after the entrance ceremony warrants a level of suspicion.

Why was she put in Class C, of all places?

I think it has been answered already as their class ascended to Class A tofay after the special exams at the island.

Because she chose to.

And so, I'm interested in how her voice sounds, so my curiosity piqued after I called her from what Hashimoto-san and Masumi-san’s information when I noticed that Nakaizumi-san even has the same stresses and tone changes that I would do to act in the facade of a domineering leader like I do.

“Your father has requested me to be your friend outside of class competition, Arisu-san. Do you think the two of us hit it off?”


“Of course, only after we played some chess.” I said to her as she responded.


“I'm down for a game. I've told Hashimoto and Kamuro about my arrangements. We could play after a few days later, though. It seems that we're not going back to ANHS just yet.” She said while sensing a little bit of frustration from her tone.


She's too well-versed in making use of a facade, or she's actually frustrated…

I can't decode her intentions at all.


“It's nothing too major, Shirayuki-san. We can set up one within a few days if you wanted." I said to her as I added.

"Belated congratulations for getting the future Vice President position within the Student Council, by the way.” I scoffed it off lightly as I had to earnestly congratulate her.



“Thank you, Arisu-san. I'll get going for now since I have to pamper Ayanokoji-kun a little bit more.”


White Knight to…


What Nakaizumi-san said on the phone shocked me so much that I didn't notice that I had already touched a white knight from f3 instead of a white pawn from g2.

Touch move, huh?



“Wait, Shirayuki, that was unca—” The call ended after that as I moved my queen pawn.



So that male voice present at the other side should be Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.



She is an anomaly, indeed.


This is gonna be a stalemate, huh?

To break my concentration by that much, Nakaizumi-san really is interesting…

Author’s Note:

The chess match should proceed like this.

1. e4 e5 - Open Game.
2. Nf3 Nc6 - Double King’s Game.
3. Bb5 Nf6 - White does Ruy Lopez, Black does Berlin defense.


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4. Nex5 Nex5 (Where Arisu blundered as white due to touch move rule.)
5. d4 Ng6
6. d5 Nex4
7. Nd2 (Black would go c6)

And so on… Yeah, I'm stupid at chess but I'll try to deliver for the sake of accurate storytelling.

I'll probably do one with a reference. That's all for now! Thank you for reading!

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