Intermission 1 : Same Yet Different At The Same Time

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When I opened my eyes, all I can see is an unfamiliar ceiling above me as I am laid down on a very comfortable bed.

I tried to move around, but I struggled to even move my head for a little bit. As if my body is plastered and bandaged with something, but it doesn't hurt at all.

So I looked around with my eyes.

When I looked around, I knew much that I'm in a hospital room. That my body has bandages around my limbs, and my neck has a brace surrounding it.

But I just fell from that guy's hold and got my head to hit something really hard from that fall.

Did they bring me to the hospital after everything they'd done to me...?

Are the folks at the hospital overreacted at my injuries?

I thought as I heard a door opening and I looked at person who is entering my room. It's a doctor.

"You're awake, Shirayuki-san. Welcome back." The doctor asked.

"W-Welcome back...? What do you mean by that, Doc?" I'm confused.

"Shirayuki-san, you've been asleep for more than 3 years." He said as I am even more confused now.

"More than 3 years...? How did I went into a coma that long from me falling pretty hard, Doc?" I asked as he gave me a baffled look on his face before asking.

"Falling pretty hard? You did not fall to the ground that hard, Shirayuki-san.

It's totally different." He said.

"Then why am I here? With all of these bandages around my body?" I asked in confusion.

The doctor then approached me as he looks around my head and observes me from the side.

After a few moments of doing that, he responded.

"It looks like you have a short-term memory loss, but I'll have to break this news to you, Shirayuki-san." Now I'm confused even more...

What did he mean by that?

"I'm sad to say that you were involved in a car accident, and... you're the only one who survived, Shirayuki-san."

"A car accident... That's... Something. But, who... died?" I asked.

"Honestly, we don't know." The doctor replied.

Huh? You guys don't know?

"We don't have any public records that can positively identify these people anywhere in this country, including you."

Even me? How did that happen??

"I don't even know who you might be so we've given you a name based on the color of your name, hence the name of Shirayuki." The doctor explained.

"I... See...." This is weird. I know for a fact that my name is actually Shirayuki since that's the name given by my parents...

Oh, that's right!

"Ummm... Doc, I might know someone. Is there a landline here...?" I asked as the doctor then went to the landline and asked me.

"Shirayuki-san, I can do the call for you. Just tell me the number and the name of that someone." The Doctor asked.

"Y-Yes. It's N-Nakaizumi Tenzou. He's my Dad. His number is..." I said to him as I dictated the number I remember from the house.

After waiting for a few moments, the call connected.

"Hello, is this Nakaizumi Tenzou-san?


Really? I see. Thank you for answering and my apologies."

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