V1 SS - Ryuuen Kakeru's Thoughts On Nakaizumi Shirayuki

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“What do I think about Nakaizumi Shirayuki, huh?” I asked the interviewer from the other side of the one-sided mirror.

“Yes, just your thoughts will suffice.” A mechanical-like tone voice responded from the other side.

“Heh… Is this some kind of an interrogation to probe on someone? Well, that's fine by me.

My thoughts on Nakaizumi Shirayuki are quite mundane, if you ask me. She's our Class B’s leader, a really capable girl academically, and has that facade of being in line with the rules.

But I'm sure that she will bend these pathetic things to her advantage, just to get what she wants to achieve.” I said what I thought of saying to the interviewer.

“Just to get what she wants to achieve, eh? What kind of achievements does she want to have, to be exact?” The interviewer asked, saying it like that with such a mechanical tone made me feel irritated.

“Tch… Whatever the heck she wants to achieve, that's not my problem to deal with. While she's saying that she wants to bring everyone to Class A, she's keeping in line with the rules and actually improving us all quite naturally.

When she took me down from that pedestal, my only wish of feeling that emotion had been achieved by her, a girl of all people. After all, that girl’s the reason why I'm enjoying things as it is now.

That girl’s dangerously competent, as if she's a monster. But that's our Snow Queen, after all.” Ryuuen explained as he then stood up from his seat.

“Where are you going, Ryuuen Kakeru?” The interviewer asked.

“Going out now. If this interview is just about that, then I gave you all of it. Now leave me be.” I said with disinterest as I walked out of the room. Since it's still breaktime, I went through the hallway full of students as I made my way back to Class B’s room.

But before I could arrive there, I saw Shirayuki and others that were flocking behind her.

“You took your time in the restroom.” Shirayuki smirked at me, intentionally teasing me, as I scoffed at her by clicking my tongue before smirking at her and approaching them.

‘Ah, yes. She's indeed a monster with a lot of layers under her skin.’ I thought.

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