V3 C2 - The Boundary Between Heaven and Hell

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Author's Note:

Over 3.3k words just for this chapter!

This is all for everyone to enjoy!

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.”
- Seneca, a Stoic philosopher.


After circling through the island once, an announcement from the Public Announcement system rang throughout the ship.

We will disembark in thirty minutes. Please assemble on the deck. All students should have changed into their jerseys. Make sure to check your designated black bag and your luggage, and do not forget your cell phone.

Please keep all other personal items in your room. There is a possibility that you will not be able to visit the bathroom for some time, so please do so now.” The PA system announced.

After that was announced, I took my duffel bag with my clothes inside, as well as the designated black bag that was indicated within the announcement, and went out of my room and went to the deck where there's a helicopter standing at the deck.

As expected, this will be the form of transportation to and from the ship. Since I was the first to come by the deck quite quickly, there were still some other people aside from our homeroom teachers standing by the raised stage that was set up there.

It was only after several minutes that the other students started arriving here.

“You certainly took your sweet time, Ryuuen-kun.” I teased.

“Tch, I'm not as fast nor as quite of a psychic freak as you, Shirayuki.” Ryuuen scoffed as he lined up beside me with our other classmates forming two lines from our backs.

"You've also figured it out, huh? That's a good thing to know, Ryuuen-kun." I said with a relieved tone.

“We will disembark now, beginning with the students from Class A. Cell phones are prohibited on the island. Please hand your phone to your homeroom teacher as you leave.” The loudspeaker rang as the students started to descend from the stairs.

We were pretty much next in line so there wasn't any chatter around the two of us but some of us went on with their excited state, and soon enough, we got down the ship after only getting our luggage thoroughly checked by our teachers.

“They're awfully obvious with being cautious and on guard, huh?” Ryuuen noted.

“Yes. Things are getting more interesting.” I replied as after Class A disembarked, it was us Class B who's next to leave the ship. We got our bags checked and our personal items aside from clothes confiscated.

Good thing that they haven't found the things that I bought specifically for this special exam.

This is the boundary between hell and heaven, and I'm here to take advantage of this boundary myself.


After we got off the boat, some of us started our casual chatter. It was then that our homeroom teacher started taking our attendance without letting us do the usual roll call.

After all the students were in line in front of the white platform at the beach near the port, a tall person stepped onto a prepared white platform.

It's Mashima-sensei, Class A’s homeroom teacher and our English teacher.

“First, I would like to say that I'm happy you've arrived safely. However, it's unfortunate that one of you was unable to participate due to illness.” Mashima-sensei announced.

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