V2 C7 - The Aftermath

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“Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except yourself.”
- Siddharta Gautama, known as “Buddha”.


After receiving 1 million private points from Nagumo who begrudgingly sent it as we were watched over by Horikita-senpai and Kiriyama-senpai, Nagumo recovered quickly and left the conference room immediately.

As I and Izumo-senpai were about to leave the room, Manabu stopped me.

“Shirayuki-san.” Manabu called.

“Yes, Horikita-senpai? What is it?” I asked.

“I will let this one pass as long as you've succeeded in inviting Ayanokoji to the Student Council.” He said, which I immediately denied.

“That would just be me trying to wake up the great spirit of an ancient tree. He would either greatly benefit us, or would cause great destruction.

I already have a friendship with him, I don't think pushing him out of his supposed peaceful life before the scheduled disruption would do any good for all of us.

Although you can expect a great change to her personality by then. I'll take my leave, Horikita-senpai, Kiriyama-senpai.” I explained to him as I bade the two of them goodbye with Izumo-senpai and I left the room.

The next day, the news of Nagumo being kicked out of the Student Council after being found out using his powers vested by the Student Council onto him to be manipulate special exam results to his advantage in order to expel students that are at the bottom group and/or the students who were challenging his authority.

This got the entire 2nd Year students in uproar from the decision of the school itself. What's more is the fact that Nagumo’s section degraded from Class A to B while the former Class B ascended to Class A due to the conditions made by negating an expulsion involving a payment of 20 million private points and 300 class points to the school.

Just this alone has made Nagumo unpopular by everyone outside his own class, which certainly broke the unity that he has built for a year towards the entirety of the 2nd Year classes.

Many threads from within the school forum have pointed out the start of this situation from a thread that targeted me and Izumo-senpai, which was posted anonymously but has come out to be a former lackey of Nagumo’s elite group, which further solidified the suspicions against Nagumo even more.

But I'll be leaving that to their imaginations now as I entered my classroom with others already there.

“Woah, our Snow Queen’s here!”

“As expected of our Snow Queen! She already repaid Komiya-kun’s injuries by letting Class D pay compensation!”

“All Hail Shirayuki-sama!”

“All Hail Our Snow Queen Shirayuki-sama!!”

“All Hail!!”

My classmates started chanting as soon as I arrived. Their antics made me chuckle a little bit before ignoring them with a smile as I went to my seat and brought down my backpack.

“What's up, Snow Queen. How's the fight?” Ryuuen asked with a teasing smirk on his face.

“He's durable but that's to be expected. There won't be a next time if he decides to make a move against me again though.” I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

After this small talk, everyone went back to their seats as Sakagami-sensei arrived for the morning homeroom. He then got to the lectern and started speaking.

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