Chapter 120

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The next moment, he stood in the familiar hallway of the Northern Duke’s Mansion. It was the hallway in his dreams.

Lennox wasn’t surprised.

As soon as he saw the black panther leisurely walking in front of him, he blurted out:

“Get lost.”

He snapped irritably.

He realized the situation immediately when the unlucky beast and the all-too-familiar dream scene appeared together.

“It was your doing after all.”

The panther, as large as a house, swished its tail.

(Did you forget? This was the price for restoring your eyesight.)

“This damned demon.”

He cursed, but there was nothing he could do.

It was clear that everything, from having strange dreams to suddenly losing consciousness moments ago, was because of this black panther.

Dragons are known to pull people into the spiritual realm without hesitation.

(Consider yourself lucky I didn’t take your firstborn, like in old tales.)

The black panther chuckled.

While a beast can’t laugh, Lennox felt it did.

While it looked like a captivating carnivorous beast, its real identity was a demon attached to a pitch-black sword.

Their relationship resembled a strange symbiotic one that had continued for over a decade. But until now, the beast couldn’t control him at will.

Unlike the cunning butterflies that lured Juliet to borrow their power in exchange for a deal, he needed an unyielding sword, not demonic power.

Except for the fact that it doesn’t dull or rust, it was just a sword with exceptionally good durability.

Despite the countless temptations to lend him power, Lennox scoffed. Hence, the demon, taking the form of a black panther, couldn’t interfere with his mind.

Until he began having vision problems.

(That was our contract’s condition.)

The black panther’s tail swished gracefully.

(Hand over control of your mind when I want.)

“You said just once.”

(I’m impatient.)

Wasn’t constantly making him have nightmares against the contract terms? He wanted to protest.

(I just imprisoned your physical body for a while to show you something. Once the matter is over, I’ll let you go, so don’t act rashly, contractor.)

He knew in his head that with so many skilled knights around, Juliet would be safe. But he couldn’t help feeling anxious.

(Your girl is safe.)

Although the demon spoke leisurely, Lennox felt annoyed as if his thoughts were read.

“Damn it. Whatever it is, finish it quickly.”

This isn’t how one should deal with a demon. Regretting was pointless now.

Lennox felt it would be better to quickly comply with whatever this demon wanted and return.

(A wise decision.)

The smiling panther disappeared again.

What did he want to show?

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Where stories live. Discover now