Chapter 2 - Splash, Paganda

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Upon receiving the Prime Minister's decision and the commencement of the operation, the destroyer Izumo suspended her test voyage at sea.

Accelerating her original schedule, the Izumo, now commissioned, was slated to join the invasion of Paganda as the flagship of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force Escort Flotilla 1's Escort Squadron 1.

"Commander, we've received the signal to commence the operation, 'Mount Fuji has risen.'"

"...Understood. Then, let's begin the operation."

At the signal of the Izumo's captain, Yamamoto, Escort Flotilla 1's commander Akiyama ordered the start of the operation.

This operation involved Japanese forces on a scale unprecedented compared to past overseas deployments. Alongside Escort Squadron 1, the JMSDF included Escort Flotilla 3's Escort Squadron 3 and P-3C aviation units. Additionally, 36 fighters from various Air Self-Defense Force bases and three divisions, including the 7th Division of the Ground Self-Defense Force aboard the Ōsumi-class landing ships, were deployed.

"All units, commence the operation! Repeat, commence the operation!"

With the Prime Minister's decision and orders, all these forces mobilized, including the Izumo, which had been on standby at sea.

"The P-3C reconnaissance unit has entered Paganda's territory!"

First, numerous reconnaissance planes were sent into the Kingdom of Paganda's airspace, baiting out their air force known as wyverns. The baited wyverns were to be destroyed by the fighters' missiles.

"Commander, patrol helicopters have spotted what appears to be an enemy reconnaissance vessel, a small craft. It's just one. What are your orders?"

"...Hmm. Instruct the patrol helicopter to drop depth charges. Destroy the small craft."

"Are you sure about this?"

Akiyama turned sternly to the communications officer and rebuked sharply. "Are you concerned about appearances now? Just do it, attack!"

"Y-yes, sir!"

With that, the communications officer relayed the order, and the patrol helicopter moved to attack. The operation had only just begun.

. . .

On the other side, the Kingdom of Paganda's wyvern riders found themselves scrambling to deal with an unidentified giant flying object that suddenly intruded into their airspace. Of course, the intruder was none other than Japan's P-3C.

"The unidentified flying object is still accelerating! We can't catch up! That thing's wings are not flapping!!"

Matilda, the manacomm operator stationed at the wyvern base, couldn't believe what she was hearing from the reports of the riders through transmission.

"Carmilk of the 8th Wyvern Squadron, what is going on? Are you putting on a circus or something?"

Matilda joked with Carmilk, a wyvern with whom she had a relatively good relationship. However, he urgently pleaded, appearing desperate.

"Are you kidding me!? It's true! There's really an unidentified flying object in our kingdom's airspace—GAAH!"

"Huh, hey, what's wrong? Hey! Carmilk!!"

Contact with Carmilk suddenly ceased, leaving only static noise. Sensing something was amiss, the operator consulted her superior.

"What, an unidentified flying object, you say?"

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