part 39

178 11 4

Jiwoo:- about 12th July?

BM:- for what?

Jiwoo:- YN's marriage...we will have enough of time there are still 2 months.....we can plan, shop and everything else....

Somin:- hmm it's a good date...

J.Seph:- hmm good should we lock the date?

BM:- I agree but....

YN and Eunwoo were looking at everyone talking among themselves not even giving a shit about the bride and the groom.(soon to be)

YN:- what?

BM:- isn't it too early?

YN:- yaah oppa....even my younger brother is married and now you are telling it's early for me? How?

J.Seph:- yaah...are you that excited?

Eun:- why not hyung? It really is not to early...we both are 25....

J.Seph:- and I am 30......

YN:- then find one for yourself....I wonder why every girl rejects you..

J.Seph:- yaah you brat... ever girl doesn't reject me..I reject them because I deserve more....

YN:- this is why you are single you are too picky ...

BM:-'s late we gotta go discuss about important things not these....

YN:- okay I got it.....

Jiwoo:- think about it and tell us...we will leave now.

She said drinking the last sip of water. YN nodded and took another bite of her food. YN went to see off her siblings and went the room.

YN:- I am tired.....

Eun:- go to sleep....

YN:- hmm...

YN went in the room and Eunwoo stayed at the table.

YN:- are you planning on staying there the whole day? Come in...

Eun:- you should get changed first...

YN:- I can change in the should have complete bed rest for now...

Eun:- aarrggghhhh.....I am sick of the bed rest....

YN:- you still have to get rest now come.....

He went in and slept right away. YN changed into comfortable clothes and came out of the washroom. She looked at him and smiled.

YN:- and he says he is not weak ... Aish how fast asleep he is.

She picked on his lips and slept beside him. She faced her back to him and tried to sleep. She suddenly felt someone dragging her. She looked behind and saw Eunwoo staring at her.

YN:- what's wrong with you?

Eun:- look at me....don't put your back to me..... I might get hurt due to lack of attention.

YN:- oh really?

She said and hit his arm.

YN:- drama king.....

Eun:- aani...your king.....

YN:- okay okay now sleep.

She hugged him back and scooted closer to him and slept.


Time skip
A week later...

Well good news everybody, Eunwoo finally recovered totally. YN was to leave today...and Eunwoo was happy that she did.... because...

Eun:- no more green salad with mixed fruit juice...

YN:- aish...look at you.....I am leaving and you are happy with that...

Eun:- I am not happy with you leaving...I am happy about green salad leaving me..

YN:- I wonder how you got such a hot body without eating healthy....

Eun:- when did you see my abs?

YN:- actually when went to shower when I was sleeping, I wasn't sleeping....I even have a photo.

Eun :- YOU...

YN:- what? Do I not have the right to admire my boyfriend? If I want, I can do this too...

She went closer to him while he was moving back until he hit his back on the wall. She was slowly filling the distance between them. His breathes were getting heavy, heart was racing and butterflies in his stomach and what not....she traced her finger from his neck..down to his chest. She moved in and kissed him.... I am not saying he was not interested. He put his hands around her waist and kissed deeper and deeper.... until the door opened. They both parted away as soon as they both heard the door. She looked there and it was....(Drum rolls)....Yeji....they both looked baffled, embarrassed, shy and irritated because she disturbed the moment

YN:- what are you doing here?

Yeji:- I didn't mean to disturb you both... I can say Jungkook or my current boss sent you to pick you up.

YN:- I could have came by my own.

Yeji:- you both continue...I am waiting downstairs..

YN:- hmm.

Yeji left the room and went downstairs. YN again started packing her bag.

Eun:- you know this felt like our first meet... when I met an accident and you bought me at the mansion.

YN:- hmmm....but it was a little bitter...but this was the sweetest time I spent with you so far.

Eun:- hmm.....

YN:- okay then I will get going bye jagi..

She hugged him and pecked his forehead and left. She went downstairs and saw Yeji waiting. She went and sat in the car.

YN:- I wish you knew how to knock

Yeji:- I did but I guess the kiss was too mesmerizing...

YN:- shut up and drive.

Yeji:- yeah yeah..... forget your best friend after getting a boyfriend..

YN:- I didn't forget you.....I just scolded you because you interrupted my privacy.

Yeji:- okay I will drive fast because I am late to work because of your pRiVaCy.

YN:- I got it now drive.

Short chapter...
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And I changed the cover because the previous one was too simple...

And I changed the cover because the previous one was too simple

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