part 3

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I went to his Lifeless body and said "don't you dare to lay your eyes on him. and till I am alive I will protect him."


Jisoo POV

*Shooting sound*

I shot the last guard in my way and stepped towards the next and final Target. But then Y/N started speaking in the earpiece.

Y/N:- Unnie return on the place where we met.

Jisoo:- WHY and what about Choi?

Y/N:- I already killed him no need to worry.

Jisoo:- ok........what about others?

YN:- I already called them.

end of conversation.

what was wrong with her she sounded odd. whatever I shooted the last man and went back.

I saw Y/N and rest o BP there in the car and I guess our guards already left.

I went and sat on the front seat.

Y/N:- We are moving to Seoul.


she is moving to Seoul. Something is wrong.

She stopped infront of our mansion.

Y/N:- Go and pack your things we are leaving right now.

Lisa:- Right now like seriously right now?

Y/N:- yes now go.

Everyone got out of the car but I stayed there.

Jisoo:- what is wrong? Is something bothering you?

She stayed silent.

Jisoo:- you can't lie to me YN.

She faced me and I sensed she was afraid of something. I asked her in a soft tone what happened.

Y/N:- Unnie they found out about him.

Jisoo:- who?

Y/N:- Jungkook..... Unnie I kept him hidden from this mafia world. I can't afford to lose him Unnie . I can not live without him Unnie. I can't bear to see him hurt unnie.

This time a few tears rolling down her eyes.

Y/N:- He is my everything, I don't have anyone else except him. I would not be able to survive without him Unnie.

Jisoo:- it's okay yn-ah don't worry I believe that you will protect him. Believe in yourself. Fighting.

She smiled and nodded.

Y/N:- okay let's go we have to do packing tooo.

Time skip.


We packed our bags & left for Seoul.
We got in our car and I was driving beside me was Jisoo unnie and rest
were on the back seat.

Y/N:- ok we should leave right now because it takes 3 hours to go to Seoul.

Lisa:- ok but why are we leaving today? We were supposed to go after 3 months right?

Jisoo:- Our enemies got to know about Jungkook. That's why Y/N is going to Seoul and live with him.

Jennie:- what? But how?

Y/N:- I also don't know. Stop talking now let's leave.

Then we drove off to my home........... original home. Seoul.

Time skip 3 hours later.

Jungkook POV

Urggghhh it's such a boring lecture. Cant time pass a little bit faster. I am feeling sleepy. Slowly my eyelids closed and I slept in my lecture.

Time skip (5-10 mins later)

??:- Jungkook.....Jeon Jungkook

JK:- Huh? Did someone called me?

Professor:-  Yes I did.

Jk:- why ma'am?

She made an annoyed face.

Professor:- are you serious? Like you were literally sleeping in my class and asking me what did I do?

I hung my head low and listened to her. Well it is not my fault that I slept. It's her fault that her lecture was boring.

Professor:- Jungkook it's the first and-

She was now talking to the Assistant of our principal. I still had my head low.

Professor:- Jeon Jungkook someone has came to meet you.

I went towards the gate and I bowed to the professor.

Prof:- Thank the person who saved you today.

Jk:- Sorry mam.

I am so so so happy. I don't have to attend a boring lecture now. Yess!

I went out of the class and saw a girl waving at me? She was standing a little far that is why I couldn't see her face clearly.

I went a little closer and now her face was clear to me.

Jk:- noona? .......... NOONA

I ran to her and hugged her tightly.
She hugged me back and chuckled.

Y/N:- How is my kookie?

Jk:- noona*sob* you came back*sob*.

She rubbed my back. She was in front of me in front of me. I could not believe it.

Y/N:- Hey hey don't cry ok.

Jk:- You don't know how much I waited for you? Do you have any idea how lonely I was feeling.

She hugged me again and patted my back.

Y/N:- Sorry kookie forgive me.

I parted away from the hug and wiped my tears.

Jk:- Okay I forgive you. Now are we going home?

Y/N:- umm your lecture is still left so  we will go home afterwards .

Jk:but the lecture is very boring can we go home please please please.

Y/N:- okay okay let's go then

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