part 27

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After the wedding ceremony ended, we went to home and Taehyung, Jimin and Eunwoo were with us as we invited them on a special lunch. Jisoo unnie was cooking and I was helping her. Eunwoo came in the kitchen.

(Just ignore the chairs and the dinning table is visible from the kitchen)

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(Just ignore the chairs and the dinning table is visible from the kitchen)

Eunwoo:- may I help?

Jisoo:- you know how to cook?

Eunwoo:- yes

He took the knife from Jisoo unnie and started cutting vegetables. She came near my ears and whispered

Jisoo:- you are lucky to get a man like him...he is such a gentleman.

I blushed. I told her to go. She went and sat on the chair.

Jisoo:- everyone today the lunch is being prepared by the special couple~

I chocked on the air and Eunwoo also widened his eyes.

Everyone was giggling at our reaction.

Jisoo:- relax I was just know when the photographer told that you both are a good couple..

YN:- how can you tease me on something like that.

Jisoo:- I can do anything I am Jisoo I am okay.

I was still coughing. Eunwoo passed me a glass of water.

YN:- thankyou.

I drank the water and glared at Jisoo unnie. She just smiled. I was done cleaning the plates so I looked at Eunwoo cooking....he is so elegant. He had flour on his face. I smiled and kept the plates on the table. I again went in the kitchen to help Eunwoo. I went to take a cloth to clean his face but heard a little scream. I turned to see Eunwoo with burnt fingers. I opened the refrigerator and took out some ice and wrapped it into the cloth that I had. I went to him and took his hand. I turned of the stove.

Eunwoo POV

I burnt my hands while I was trying to lift the pot. I forgot that it was hot. I screamed a little.

Jk:- hyung what happened are you okay.

Eunwoo:- yeah just a small burn.

I saw YN running here and there. I was about to ask what she was doing but then she came to me and turned off the stove. She took my hand and glared at me. She placed a coth on it which I thought had ice. I hissed in pain.

YN:- couldn't you use a cloth? Huh? Careless idiot. How did you get it burnt?

Eunwoo:- I forgot that it was hot......

YN:- pabo.

She blowed on it and again put the ice on hand.

YN:- you go and sit I will do it

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