part 35

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An hour ago

Eun:- umm since we don't have any thing to talk about....and you know about my past too...why don't you tell me about your past?

YN:- are you really that eager? Ok but let's eat first..

Eun:- hmm.

After that they both ate something and started talking.

YN:- okay so at that time, Jeon Corporations was of my father, Jeon So Hyun.. and after two to three years of handling the company, our mother died. I was 8 and kookie was 6..we were really devasted at that appa thought that it was better to remarry someone as we needed a lot of care and appa had to handle the company too. He married Kim Jang the first 3 to 4 years she was so good to us.. that's why kook grew more and more closer to day......

13 years ago

YN age- 12
Jk age- 10

YN's father came home with some papers in his hand, looking extremely tired. His wife, Jang Hye came and gave him a glass of water. He took it and drank it in one go.

So Hyun:- where are the kids?

Jang Hye:- kookie and YN-ie just came from the park tired, so they are sleeping

So Hyun:- oh let them sleep.

Jang Hye:- what kind of papers are these?

So Hyun:- property papers, I revised the will and decided to give all the shares to my cupcake and ggukie.

Jang:- WHAT?

So Hyun:- yeah...I thought long and hard about it and-

Jang Hye:- you mean didn't gave me even 1 percent of your property?

So Hyun:- what are you talking about honey? They are our kids, what belongs to them is yours too.

Jang Hye:- pftt my kids, are you serious? I just remarried you....those brats are your first bitch's kids.


Jang Hye:- what will you do if I don't?

So Hyun:- can't believe you are arguing with me just for a piece of property...

Jang Hye:- are telling me that? For 4 years I took care of those brats and you. For what? PROPERTY OF COURSE BUT YOU...YOU DECIDED TO GIVE YOUR PROPERTY TO THOSE BRATS.

So Hyun:- because they have the right to HAVE THE PROPERTY.

Jang Hye was now getting angry and frustrated because she thought that all her plan and hard work was going to burn down.....while on the other hand, So Hyun was not ready to believe that his second lover, was with her all the time just for property.

Flashback ends

YN:- and like this their fight went on and on. It was a massive argument. The argument grew so much that..out of anger, Mrs.Kim stabbed appa with a knife... kept on the table......and the worst part was that, at that time...Kook got up hearing the sound and he saw her killing appa. That's the half reason that kook is sensitive.

Eun:- ooh...btw, where is Jang Hye right now?

YN:- you will get to know..........okay so after that....

flashback again

Jungkook came out and saw her mother pushing a knife into his Appa's heart and blood coming out non stop. Jungkook was just too soft for that was more like a panic attack. He was unable to breathe and say anything, just tears ran down his cheeks. He could not think of anything but to call his noona. He woke YN up.

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