part 31

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Next morning

It was a new morning, YN woke up with a severe headache because of drinking too much. She sat on the bed and looked around the unfamiliar place. She held her head and tried to remember how did she ended up here....when she remembered what she did last night. She covered her mouth in shock and embarrassment. She went out of the room, and saw Eunwoo sleeping on the couch in a very uncomfortable position. She cooed at his cuteness and sat near him.

YN:- I must have made you tired...I should not have drink that much...

She sighed.

Eun:- you don't need to be sorry for that..

YN looked at him with wide awake eyes and she backed off shouting.

YN:- w-weren't you asleep?

Eun:- aani I was awake just resting.

YN:- and I am sorry for last night I was just drunk so..

Eun:- I was the one who kissed you so you don't need to apologize to me.

YN:- uh..uh-

Eun:- it's okay babe~

YN:- what did you call me

She said with an shocked face..

Eun:- do you prefer darling more...or honey....or jagi?

YN:- are we in an relationship??

Eun:- you proposed me and I accepted so yeah we are..

YN smiled brightly and jumped on him and hugged him


Eun:- okay okay now get off, we gotta eat something too.

She got off and kissed him again.

Eun:- okay okay let's go..

They both went to the kitchen wondering what to make. Eunwoo heard a knock on the door. He went to open the door and smiled.

Eun:- EOMMA you are finally back...

??:- how can I leave my baby alone?

YN came and saw both the mom-son duo hugging each other. She bowed to the middle aged lady. She returned the bow to her.

??:- she is the one?

Eun:- ne

??:- omo she is pretty

Eun:- isn't she?

The lady nodded. Eunwoo looked at her confused.

Eun:- YN meet her my eomma, Lee shin rye.

YN:- but you said that...

Eun:- ne my mom died but I see her as my mom.

She again bowed to his eomma. She came and patted YN's back.

Eun:- you both rest I will make something,

YN:- no I will help you.

Eun:- just rest and talk to Eomma.

He left and now they both were alone.

Shin:- I know that you might be thinking, how am I related to Eunwoo. Well when he was 17,

8 years ago

Eunwoo came back home from school, very excited to show his results to her mother which he worked hard for.....but his smile and heart both dropped at the sight infront of him. His parents were on the floor with a blood pool. He ran to his father and tried to wake him up but no use......he backed off slowly like he was scared of the dead body but stopped when he came in contact with his mother's body...her face was bruised, clothes were torn, neck had hickeys, hands were bruised and more......the poor boy was terrified when he got to know.......that his mother was not only murdered but raped too.

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