part 33

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YN came out of the car and went in. She saw everyone on the dinning table. She went there and sat on one of th chairs. Jungkook served her the dinner.

YN:- I already ate

JK:- a milkshake and ice cream with a kiss doesn't makes you full noona

YN:- how the fuck do you know that I ate icecream and kissed?

JK:- Eun woo hyung told me about ice cream and milkshake and about the kiss, I was also watching with Somin noona.

YN:- you never kissed Lisa....

Jk:- because we are married

YN:- before marriage also..

Jk:- so what?

YN:- exactly..that's what I am saying

J.Seph:- we are going to our home tomorrow

YN:- huh?

BM:- yes

YN:- but you said that you will stay for a week but it's only been 5 days.

BM:- actually the work we had here is done so we are returning.

YN:- oppa ~

BM:- not again YN.....

YN:- unnie ~

Somin:- I can't do anything..

YN:- great then.... when is your flight?

Somin:- at 11:00 a.m.

YN:- okay

She pouted and started playing with food..she got up and went to her room.

Jk:- hyungie.....why do you always have to say it when she is eating? Now she won't even eat..

J.Seph:- she will....kook

Jk:- how?

BM:- if you force her too

Jk:- then I will force, tomorrow?

BM:- tomorrow she won't be mad..

JK:- how so?

BM:- actually........

he told something and everyone was shocked hearing it.

Jk:- when did you do all this?

J.Seph:- in this one week only...

Jk:- hmm ok then..

Somin:- dont tell her

Jk:- I won't

J.Seph:- today I will feed her...

Jk:- okay.....let's go to sleep it's pretty late...

J.Seph took the food which she left and added more to it....and went to his cupcake's room.

J.Seph:- yaah won't you eat?

YN:- I am not hungry

J.Seph:- liar.....ok if you are not hungry, atleast for my sake eat it....I did so much work bringing it here.

She sat on the bed and opened her mouth. J.Seph smiled and took a spoonful of food and stuffed her mouth with it.

YN:- you added more right?

J.Seph:- aani...

YN:- sure??

J.Seph:- y-yes

YN:- who is lying now?

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