part 7

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At night

-I woke up to drink water but the glass was empty. I remember noona bought water. Aish I have to go down now. I removed noona's hands gently from me so she won't wake up.
I went downstairs in the kitchen and turned on the lights. took out a bottle from the refrigerator. When I turned to leave the kitchen, I saw someone on the couch. I thought it would be one of the blackpink members. I shrugged the thought and was about to leave when I heard the voice of the person.I flinched on the sudden sound.

??:- hello my brother.

Jk:- what the hell? Who are you? And the fuck you are doing here?

??:- aww so hurtful, my younger brother didn't recognise me.

Jk:- just tell me who are you.

??:- did you forget me already? I am Kim Ju seok.

Jk:- h-hyung

Ju seok :- you finally guessed it right.

Jk:- why are you here now?

Ju seok :- Aish your memory is so horrible.I don't wanna play that game again so let me get to the point I am here to get my revenge from you, your sister.

Jk:- w-what revenge.?

Ju seok:- I will ruin you the same way you all did to me.

Jk:- you and your mom were the one who ruined our life but thankfully noona and I were talented enough to
build a new life and enjoy it.

Ju seok:- You really got courageous enough to talk back back to me.

I heard a door opening sound. I saw Lisa coming out of her room.

Lisa:- Jungkook what are you doing here at this hour? and who is this person?

Jk:- Lisa it Ju seok.

Lisa:- what the heck?

Lisa went to the kitchen and took out a knife and pointed at him. He just smirked and grabbed me by my neck and pointed a gun at my head.

Ju seok:- keep the knife down.

Lisa:- I won't.

Ju Seok:- You really want him dead right.

Lisa kept the gun down and had her hands up. I mouthed her some thing and she nodded.

She shouted noona's name twice so that she could wake up.

Ju Seok:- you bitch.

He shot Lisa on her stomach and she shouted because of the pain. I tried to get out of his grip but he tightened the grip. Due to the gun sound everyone came there.



I was sleeping when I heard Lisa shout. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook was not there.

Y/N:- kook.......KOOK.

I ran downstairs and saw Lisa on the ground with blood and other. Blackpink members with her trying to stop the blood flow and Kook was with Ju Seok and he was pointing a gun on his head.




JU SEOK:- I told you that I will ruin you. I will snatch everything from you. Let's start with your sister like friends.


He shot all the Blackpink members. noona went to the members and fell down on her knees tears rolling down her cheeks. She touched Jisoo noona's cheeks.

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