He came out of his thoughts when heard a knock on his car's window. He saw Yoona there. He immediately get out of the car and saw Yoona's dad also there behind her. He went towards them and first glanced at Yoona and then he bowed to Yoona's dad and spoke, "Hello sir! I am sorry to disturb you all at this hour." Yoona's dad said, "Its fine. Work is important. You are very hard-working. Just take care of her."

Tae smiled and said, "Yes sir... I will take care of her more than myself." Yoona's dad smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "I trust you son." Tae smiled and thanked her dad. Yoona was feeling good while seeing their conversation. She in her mind, "Thank god! Atleast dad likes him. He is not like mom. I was scared for nothing. I thought dad will yell at him. Wait, why I am thinking like this? And-----"

She came out of her thoughts when heard Tae's voice, "Yoona, shall we go?" "Umm... yeah.. yeah lets go", said Yoona. Tae nodded and opened the car's door for her. She thanked him and slided inside. Then Tae went towards the driver's seat and bowed to Yoona's dad slightly and slided inside the car. Yoona rolled down the window glass and said to her dad, "I will be back soon dad. Don't worry and sleep." "Okay... bye Yoona", said her dad. Then Tae started the car and they drove off from there.

Yoona was looking outside the window and Tae was glancing at her from time to time. Tae then spoke breaking the silence, "I am sorry to call you for work this late." Yoona looked at Tae and said, "Its fine sir. No issue." Tae hummed and asked, "So... your mom? You mom didn't stopped you to come with me? I think she don't like me."

Yoona spoke nervously, "I am sorry for last time sir and ------". She was cut-off by Tae in between who spoke, "There's nothing to be sorry about. Its completely fine Yoona." Yoona nodded and said, "Actually, my mom was not at home. So... she don't know about this. And anyways, we are going for work and she can't stop me for that." Tae hummed.

Tae was about to say something but just then Yoona spoke, "But my dad doesn't seem to not like you. I am glad atleast he is not being like mom." Tae asked, "So... you want your parents to like me. Right?" "Umm... y-yeah... I mean, my mom shouldn't have behaved that way last time and if... if my dad would have also behaved like that, I would have felt very bad for you. So, its... its that way... nothing else", said Yoona nervously.

"Ohh-kay", said Tae while smiling. Yoona didn't said anything just looked outside.

Soon, they reached to the location. The same location where Tae proposed her to be his girlfriend for the first time. The area out of the city with a beautiful lake shining with city lights. Tae stopped his car and said, "Just wait for a minute. Don't come out." "Huh?", said Yoona being confused. Tae didn't answered her and got out of the car while smiling.

He went somwhere leaving Yoona in the car. Yoona saw him going somewhere and wondered, "Where he went? Whats happening?" She was looking here and there.

Soon, Tae came back while running and opened the car door for Yoona. Yoona started coming out of the car while asking, "Where you went sir?" Tae said, "Yoona please don't ask any questions for sometime. You will get to know everything."

"Huh? But what------", asked Yoona being confused but got cut-off by Tae who now closed her eyes with his own hands and said, "Shhhh! Just come with me." Yoona didn't said anything but she was confused as hell. Tae took her with himself. He took her towards a small area beside the lake with a sandy surface. She was asking again and again, "Sir... where are we going? Sir.... tell me please..... sir, why are you not telling me--------".

"Shhh! Keep some paitence. You ask so many questions", said Tae. "But tell me once where are------", asked Yoona again but was again cut-off by Tae in between when he said, "Okay okay.... we are here. I am going to open your eyes now....... so, 1...... 2........ and....... 3......".

Secrets and Regrets - Season 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant