chapter 31

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Each day that followed was a relentless onslaught of sadness and longing. Maya and Carina found themselves consumed by thoughts of the empty spaces left behind in their once lively home. The silence echoed louder than ever before, a constant reminder of the absence two people they happened to get used to the the noises they created 

"For the first two weeks, evening conversations with Ravi and Erica were like a bandage that was constantly being torn off  ," Maya confided to Carina one evening, her voice choked with emotion. "But now... when we have no contact with them  " she trailed off, unable to finish her sentence as tears welled in her eyes.

Carina reached out, wrapping her arms around Maya in a comforting embrace. "I know, cara mia," she murmured softly, her own heart heavy with grief. "It's like a piece of our family is missing."

As the days stretched into weeks, the frequency of their calls went down. The once regular evening conversations became increasingly sporadic until, by the start of the fourth week, they ceased altogether. The void left by their absence seemed to grow larger with each passing day, casting a shadow over the once vibrant household.

Slowly but surely, the family began to drift back into their old routines, though the ache of separation still lingered in the air.

when Carina came out of the bathroom she noticed her wife lost in thoughts so she sat on the bed, but it seemed that even this broke Maya out of her trance

"Bambina," Carina said softly, noticing Maya's distant expression. "What's on your mind?" Concern etched her features as she reached out to Maya.

Maya hesitated, uncertain how to voice her thoughts. "You will think I'm crazy" she finally asked, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Carina paused, her gaze gentle. "Should I be worried?" she inquired, her hands busy with the lotion, but her attention fully on Maya.

"Well... you see... hmm" Maya began, her laughter nervous as she tried to articulate her thoughts. "Bambina, you can tell me everything," she admitted, knowing she needed to confide in her wife about the weighty idea on her mind.

As Maya paced the room, Carina watched with amusement, she held back her laughter as she saw the nervousness on May's face,  but  understanding the struggle behind her wife's nervous energy. She waited patiently, ready to listen and support Maya through whatever was troubling her.

Feeling her heart swell with empathy, Carina gently reached out, taking Maya's hands in hers and drawing her close. "Maya, it's me, Carina, your wife," she murmured, her voice tender with reassurance. "You can tell me anything. I'll never judge you."

Maya met Carina's gaze, finding solace in her soft, loving eyes. "I... I've been thinking," she stammered, her words faltering as she struggled to articulate her thoughts. ""yeah, it's a little scary" Carina laughed lightly, wanting to relieve her wife's stress 

Carina sensed Maya's hesitation and tenderly guided her wife's face towards her own, cupping Maya's chin with delicate fingers. "Just tell me, amor," she whispered, her voice a soothing melody amidst Maya's inner turmoil. "Whatever it is, i'm here ."

Taking a deep breath, Maya finally spoke the words weighing heavily on her heart. "I want another baby," she confessed, the admission hanging in the air, enveloping the room in a poignant silence.

Maya's heart sank as she witnessed the surprise on Carina's face, her own insecurities bubbling to the surface. "See, I told you that you would think I was crazy," she murmured, her voice tinged with self-doubt.

Carina's hands remained gentle on Maya's face, her touch a grounding force amidst Maya's swirling emotions. "Maya, it's not like that," she interjected softly, her eyes filled with compassion. "I'm just... shocked."

Carina and Maya twinsWhere stories live. Discover now