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We arrived to a gray's sloan. Ther was aunt Arizona with Bailey "a sixteen years old. Propobly overdose she don't have a heart bit for a minut right now. she was vomiting before arrival"Carina spoke in her doctor's voice and at the same time it was shaking very much. Elly was pulled out and taken to room 2 where they cared for her. the mama followed the stretcher as Shmit did chest compressions. We stopped and my mama probably realized what was happening. she put her hands on her face and started crying "What did you think of taking her!?" . Mom hugged her "i'.. i'm sorry.. i'm" Mama held out her hands to me "come her bambina.. i'm sorry" both moms hugged me. I haven't felt their hug for so long.

after another long minute of hugging, arizona came up to us. "We managed to get her heart pumping again, although she still has arrhythmia. Now we are doing a gastric lavage and we will transfer her to toxicology. We hope that a large part of the drug has been absorbed" Mom hugged Arizona and whispered "thank you" Arizona hugged back "I need to go"

moms looked at me and carina grabbed my face. I knew he was checking if I had taken anything "Mom, I didn't take anything, I promise" Mom came up to me "El, you don't have to lie. We already know that Ally took something, but now we need to know what it is to help her faster" Mom said in a very sincere and worried voice " I really just left her for a moment.. I'm sorry.. I didn't see what she was taking, when she was taking it, and in what quantity. I promise I didn't take anything.. I just drank a teckila.." I lowered my head at the last sentence "it's okey bella" mama hug me and then mom.

I really thought my mothers would be very angry with me. In fact, she wasn't even surprised by it. their favorite daughter is fighting for her life and a second is right her

"Sweetie how much you drunk?" Mom asked me when w set on the chars "I drank about 8 glasses... the big ones and I also made myself a drink of half and half" I had my head down while saying this "aren't you feeling sick?" Mom asked worriedly "it's nathing mom" I smiled artificially at her "I'll go and get the drip and then empty my stomach." I looked at Mama, terrified, "no, Mama," she said with an Italian accent, "Bella, the rest of the alcohol will start to be absorbed soon. and you drank a lot. don't argue with me" Mama was very harsh when she said this. Mama was still sitting with me "she hate me" I said with tears in my eyes "don't say that Elly. Mom loves you very much. She's under a lot of stress today. Don't worry."

my mom tried to comfort me and at that moment I felt sick just thinking that my sister was lying in a hospital bed and fighting for her life. and it's all because of me. I ran to the nearest bucket and started vomiting into it, mama was just coming with a drip back and held my hair and rubbed my back with circular movements.
"Mi dispiace mamma. Non sapevo che sarebbe finita così" (im sorry mama. I didn't know that will end it up this way) I said with my head in the trash can. "it's okey bella" mom came to us when I had already pulled my head out of the trash can "I guess you won't need to empty your stomach anymore" then I saw my mama holding a drip in her hand. "No" I replied knowing what my mama wanted to do to me "don't argue with me and give me your hand" "Non mi piacciono gli aghi. lo sai bene"(I don't like needles. you know it well) Mom looked at me with furious eyes and I knew she was on the age of an outburst. me and Ally haven't experienced it yet, only my mom told us about it and apparently it wasn't that nice. so I gave her my hand and she inserted the drip into me

When we were all sitting by the bed, All mom started smiling a lot "what?" Mama asked "I just remembered when the girls were 5 years old and we left them with Jack. when we came back the whole kitchen was covered in flour and so were the girls. Ally was wrapped in toilet paper and Elly was covered in mama cosmetics and the carpet we always walked on turned from tan to red from lipstick." We started laughing and my mama added "and that lipstick was realy realy expensive. And Jack was jus sleeping on the couch" Mom continued laughing to herself "I still remember how much you screamed at him then. he was never so afraid of you, mama" and at the same moment mom and mom replied "oh, he was"

a moment later Jack entered the room "hey, what happened?" As soon as El saw Jacek, she immediately hugged him. They've been very close to each other lately. Me and Maya feel like she's distancing herself more and more from us, but she's becoming more and more attached to Jacek. "it's okay E" Elly didn't want to let go of Jack, but when she finally did, her face was swollen and red from crying. We never told them that Jack is the donor but she is so similar to him in the way of talking and gufines "She overdose" Jack looked at us astonished "what? Ally?' I leaned back on the seats "yeh"

Ally still didn't wake up, and I still felt extremely guilty. I was walking through school and suddenly I heard Fabian talking to some boy about Ally. I immediately walked up to him and threw him on the locker "do you think you can talk about my sister like that when you gave her something in to drink?" with each word I held him tighter and tighter to the school locker "Do you think you can have sex with any teacher and pass the exam because of it? Fabian had that stupid smile on his face that i wanted to slap off his face, but my hand was stopped by Rayan "comone we go"

Rayan grabbed my shoulders and led me out of the school and into the car "what the fuck are you doing El? Why are you starting to fight him!? Do you want to get in trouble because of him!? your moms have enough problems already! "I just looked out the window "we are going to you're sister" Elly didn't answer. she knew very well that you shouldn't argue with him

We arrived at the hospital and I lay down next to the unconscious Ally. I missed her so much. "You know that you have to wake up so we can kill Fabian? Yeh, I know it's going to be difficult, but can't we do it? he somehow managed to find out that Mr. Smith raped me. I have no idea how, but he found out. You have to live it, Ally. you are my sister.. "

Elly started crying at all this, something she rarely does. At one point, Ally began to choke on the tube that helped her breathe. I ran out the door and screamed for help. arizona ran into the room "aunty Arizona she just start doing that" Arizona smiled and pulled the tube out of her mouth, "that's good. It means she started breathing on her own." arizona came up to me and hugged me "it's a very good sign" after 5 minutes I was lying on Ally again and mama came running into the room "what happened?" Mom started stroking Ally's head "she started breathing on her own" Tears rolled down my mother's cheeks and she quickly wiped them away

"Elly what are you doing here?" Mom said after a while, when she was sitting with me and Ally, "I know I should be at school, but I couldn't stop thinking about her, mama."

An Hour later Maya come to hospital
"What happen. I came as fast I could" Maya went to her wife and hugged her "ally is waking up" I said to my mom's

After like 15 minut ally was wake up.she started coughing, she probably wanted to say something "calm down, honey, you were intubated, don't say anything"when I saw my sister moving and smiling with tears in her eyes

When I wake up.. I didn't remember anything. Elly told me about everything. two days later, after all the tests they had done on me, I could go back to my house where my mama welcomed me with

"you know you are grauded?" Mama said and I looked at Elly. We were at home. I just left hospital "ma mamma.."Elly said "non ce n'è ma Eliana and Allysha" there were our full name we were done"as far you're witer break you will helping us with a clinik." Mom said ad we were mad but we ernered this


A little longer chapter, but in my opinion worth reading. I hope you like it and of course comments are welcome. Recently I finished one of the later chapters and I'm shocked at how well it turned out 

Carina and Maya twinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon