chapter 17

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All the girls prepared dinner together, of course there was a lot of laughter and conversation. Elly did most of her things sitting down because of the wound that was still healing

"so Elly, which friend is coming?" Maya asked as there was silence in the kitchen. "Actually, you haven't met her yet." Elly replied quietly, "And how old is she?" Carina asked "she is in my age.. I think" Elly said and she didn't look at her mother. maya and caina shared a look "and what is her name?" Carina asked "Madi" Elly smiled to herself again but luckily her mother didn't see it but her sister did

Ally looked at her sister with that what-the-fuck look and Elly immediately stopped smiling. a while later Elly o Ally went to the room "what does that mean" Ally replied as soon as they entered the room "what?" Elly asked, not really knowing what her sister was talking about. "You've known this girl for, I don't know, a week? And you've met her once and I can already see from afar that you like her"

Ally started pacing back and forth speaking Italian and of course waving her arms and Elly was sitting there waving her head when Ally finished "ugh.. at least try to pretend in front of our moms that you don't have a crush on her because I know you haven't told them you're a lesbian yet.. By the way, why didn't you do it?" Ally asked after realizing that she had no idea what her sister was waiting for. this time it was Ally sitting on the bed and Elly trying to get some clothes

"I don't feel the need to tell them that... besides, I also need to talk to you.. you and Rayan!? Like girl you need to tell me everything"

this time Ally smiled at the thought of Rayan "first of all me and Rayan.. we are nothing. He just made me pancakes but not pancakes. Like pancakes but polish pancakes" Ally she continued trying to connect it to her head "oh my god did you eat Nalesniki? ok now I'm jealous. His mom did the best" Elly stopped for a moment and walked to the mirror, holding the shirts against herself

"Okay this one or this one?"

meanwhile in the kitchen

"Do you think our daughter like this girl in a difrent way?" Carina asked while cutting vegetables for the salad and Maya was making the sauce next to her. "If I'm honest, it wouldn't surprise me... but every time I thought about it, I imagined Ally more." Carina smiled, "really?? I always thought it was Elly"

and there was silence for a moment "or maybe both?" Maya said with a slight hint of hope in her voice. Carina just looked at her with her eyes "but look, we wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant or the boy wouldn't like her harm" Maya said

"Bambina, we both know that women can be merciless, just like men." Maya had to admit that her wife was right. She had been in a situation many times, but each of the girls played with her feelings

"God, they grow up so fast. It wasn't long ago that they were chasing each other around this table" Maya said with tears in her voice "oh, bella" Maya had tears in her eyes at that moment and her wife came up to her and hugged her, kissing her on the forehead "Now go in to the girls and tell them that Madi is here cause somone just he arrived at our house" carina said excitedly

Maya knocked on Elly's room and entered after receiving a reply that she could come in.  she was putting on light makeup. She was wearing a pinksh blouse with her favorite jeans

" You look beautiful, darling" Maya said as Elly got up from the chair and Maya couldn't get over her daughter's beauty.
"you are so like your mother" Elly smiled at her mother's compliment "thank you"

"I love you soooo much girl. Madi will be in a seconds"

a moment later, a girl let in by Elly entered the house. the girls said hello and Carina, Maya and Ally were waiting in the kitchen

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