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When I wake up for my morning run i saw that carina isn't in our bed. I went to the kitchen through the living room and out of the corner of my eye I saw Elly lying on the couch with Carina. they lay so close to each other. the very sight of it made my heart melt because I know how much Carina missed it. I didn't want to do it as much as I wanted to, but unfortunately I had to wake up Carine. She had a two-hour commute to work, a weaver like me. "Baby" I said quietly. I didn't want to wake Elly but I couldn't. oh, they jumped up at the same moment, "what" they both said in the same sleepy voice "I know you were sleeping but.." carina a interapted me "what time?" Carina still had her eyes closed and I tried not to laugh at the sight of two from 3 of my favorite women in this world "it's 6am my love. You have 2 hours to work" carina growled and slowly started to get off the couch and Elly lay back on her "I'm going for a run, I'll be there in 30 minutes" when I want to go out i kiss my wife "I love you mom" Elly looked half sleepy. I didn't really believe what she said and I looked at Carina with her mouth open. Carina waved her head at me and I walked up to my daughter and kissed her on the forehead "I love you to Elly" and I went for a run


I was in home with Ally. She was making me and her a tost "I think i'm pregnent" I said to my sister. I had a symptomas of pregnensy for 3 days now and my piriod is late somthing about 2 weeks. "And i'm almost shour about it" Ally turned to me with a shocked face "you're pregnent?"Ally still didn't look at what I was saying "Yes" after a moment of silence I felt something starting to burn "and I think our toast is on fire" Ally quickly turned around and started taking it out. they looked like coal "oh wow, I think you've outdone me with your cooking skills" I started lathing and Ally did a littel bit to "okey now when we started lathing i need to know more you know" Ally pointed at my belly

"My period is two weeks late, I'm vomiting every morning, my breasts hurt like they're about to explode. So eah I think i'm pregnet and I have just done prgnency test." Ally was probably trying to sort it all out in her head "I'm just waiting for the result" I took it out of my pocket "he didn't.." immediately knowing what she meant I replied "nope"I looked at my hands and then at the pregnancy test which was upside down "and because of that i can be pregnent. Cause this stupid gay deciaided to rape mi wihn no codom" tears came to my eyes again "I need you with this Ally" ally stood next to me and we saw it together. two lines that meant only one thing.. "Im pregnant" I said and I I hugged my sister "Elly, you have to tell your mom about this. She will help you. The sooner the better" I grabbed my head. I didn't know what to do now. I try to be tough but I want to scream "I need to run." And I just walk out.

After an hour of running, I reached my abuser's house. he opened the door for me "what are you doing here Elly?" I smiled "yeah... remember that time when you decided to rape a 16-year-old girl without protection?..." I got a dull answer "she's pregnant at the moment, so either you help to abort the child or she will have evidence that you were definitely sleeping with his student"

"speak softly, my son will hear you" he left his house "I have a friend who will sell you pills without telling anyone" the guy started taking out his wallet "here's $100, that should be enough" he gave me the money "and don't ever come to me again, you little bitch .remember what I recorded on this phone" he showed his phone upwards "I've already set you up with him behind this 15 minutes." he pointed towards one of the buildings about 500 m away from them "now go" as soon as I saw him enter the house I immediately went towards this store

20 minutes later a girl came behind the store "are you Elly?" the girl was about 170 tall, her hair was tied in a tight bun and the sides and back of her head were shaved "yes, that's me" I had the impression that I had seen this girl somewhere before but I couldn't remember where "here are the pills. I made an appointment with him for 100 dollars. do you have money?" I took them straight out of my pocket.

Carina and Maya twinsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz