chapter 25

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Ally sat on the edge of the bed as her mother told her the whole story. Everything reminded her a bit of that situation.  "why didn't you ever talk about it?" Ally asked, angry at her mothers, she felt lied by them, "to be honest, I thought you remembered..." Maya couldn't finish because her 15-year-old daughter interrupted her, "I was 4, how could I remember?" Ally spoke up, slightly outraged 

"Ally, during the first few weeks, you had nightmares every day for three months. you were terrified of coming to Maya work, you were constantly crying, you even cut yourself off from us." Carina said with tears in her eyes

"that's why you signed me up to a psychologist?" Ally asked. she was very confused and was trying to sort everything out "we wanted to give you to her earlier but the earliest was within three months so we waited."for the first three months there were no changes, but in the end it was getting better every day, you cried less and less, you came to bed with us because of the nightmare you had. You started being yourself again, until one day something seemed to jump out at you and suddenly you stopped, you were you again"maya said, trying to explain everything to her daughter 

"I think I need a moment for myself" Ally replied she still couldn't collect all her thoughts they were scattered all over her mind "okay bambina if anything happens you can come at any time" Carina replied supporting her daughter "we love you Ally" Maya said as her daughter walked out the door without getting anything back 

"Do you think we screwed up again? Should we talk to her about it?" Maya asked her wife, not knowing what to think, "today is too much for me. there was too much going on...

The next day, Maya and Carina got up early to make breakfast for their daughters. Ally was the first to enter the kitchen 

"Buongiorno Tesoro. avete dormito bene?" Carina asked her daughter "yeah, okay. what are you doing at home?"  Ally asked after realized what time it was and her moms both had  shift for 5am and weren't supposed to be home to

"and is it bad that we are at home?" Carina asked laughing gently  "I thi-..." Ally was traing to answered but Elly called and shouted "what are you doing at home at this time? I think you got the days wrong. It's six you should be at work at 5.Do you need help getting organized?" Elly ran down the stairs, ready to fight the time

everyone in the kitchen started laughing when Elly quickly tied her hair up 

"Oh what's that funy?" Elly asked  "Your mother and I decided to take on few days of. We've been working too much lately, taking extra hours that we don't have to take. so we got the rest of the week off" Maya said smiling at her wife and kids. Elly was happy about it but Ally... Ally was pale as a wall. all she could think about  that she was going to lose control over the only thing she felt she had control over

Breakfast was served at the table. Ally just stared at it... again 

"honey why don't you eat? maya asked her daughter who was playing with the food on the plate "i'm not hungry" Ally said without looking into her mom eyes "baby again? you have to eat something. you only ate lunch yesterday " Carina said, slightly concerned 

"I don't know what she said to tou but im more then sure that She did not eat her lunch at chool" Elly whispered "what?" Maya asked thinking she heard wrong, "didn't you eat lunch yesterday?" Carina asked Ally "I ate it. I don't know what she is talking abot" Ally said offended "ally pleas talk to mo-..." Ally couldn't finish because she was interrupted by Ally kicking her "shut up Elly"  Ally got up from the table "Ally stop we need to talk" Carina said  calmly "I'm going to school. I don't feel like talking to you especially with you" Ally said pointing her fingers at her sister and left the house 

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