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3 days later


I was at work. My face was healing good and not to many patent asked me what hapend. Only one patient asked if my wife was beating me and if I needed help, then I had to explain to her that my father was not a very calm man.

"What we have hear?" "It's a 24 year old pregnent she started have a baby in work and I think this want to come out right now" the nurse said to me "Hey, Linda im doctor Carina DeLuca i heard that you are having a baby" I look at the mother "No,it's not going to come out until my husbend will come" I started put on gloves "okey let me check" I said and I go bitwin her legs "Linda im sorry but I can all ready fill the head of the baby, and I need you to push with anather contraction "no my husbend need to be her.. with me okey!" Linda started it's hard to breathe "Linda, if you want your baby to be healthy, you have to push and push now." Linda nodded her head in understanding and her skin broke out and she started pushing "okey that good. Push..push push" then to the room come a father of the child "i'm sorry baby i come her how fast i could" I didn't look at the man "that okey baby she is coming" Linda said thru the tears "I need you.." I was traing to see push but when I saw that man i saw all over again. Everything. Every part of me started screming that that man going to have a child and it's a girl. He saw that I recognized him "you need to push Linda. It's one last time" I said i was traing to focus on that baby.

After a fiu secend i heald that littel girl in my hands "can you call Jo?" I said to the intern "but.." "No but.. Call Jo" the intern call her "she is okey? The women asked "yes she is okey we are just checking  her" then I give the mother her littel girl then I look at his husbend to just be sure. And yes it was the same man that years ago repa me. He new I remeber him all to well and what he did to me. He looked at me with this eye's. The same eye's like then . Thenks good Jo went inside "how can I help you?" Jo said with a big smile "I need to go.. shmit will tell you everything" and I just walk out. The first thing I did was going to my ofice and I got full on panick attack. I was remebering everything toooo well. With with shaking hands I chose number to my wife 

I was in the middle of doing paper work for to day when my phon ring. I saw carina name

Maya: hey love. How are you?
Carina: M.. Ma..ya
When I heard her vice I know that somthing happend. I just stand up
Maya: carina where are you?
Carina: in..In ofice
Carina was talking fru the tears
Maya: i'll be there.

carina hung up on me. Luckily, I bumped into Andy on the way. At least I didn't have to look for her "you take over" I said and traid walk out "what?" Andy asked "somthing happend to carina.. I need to go" I run up to my car and I raid how fast I can. I ran thru whol hospital and I go in the oficer of carina. I saw carina rolled into a ball lying on the ground "carina" and i run up to her "what happed" carina was craing "take me home Bambina"

After a 10 minutes we were seating in the car. Carina was just looking thru the window. I didn't want to ask her I know she will tell me what happend when she is ready

We were laing in our bad it was 7pm

"he has a child" carina said "who?" I asked because i didnt know what she was talking about 'the guy who raped me.. I attended her wife's delivery.. he has a daughter " carina said. I was so shocked that I couldn't answer anything
"he came back to my life again... and all these memories... they came back... if I wanted to, I would never get rid of them from my life" carian stared craing and I hug her. "It's okey love" I dont know but right now I was realy mad. This guy should be in the jail not having a baby


I wake up like always in the middle of the night. I had a realy bad nightmer. I go to the kichin to take glas of wather "bella why you up?" My mama scrrd .e to deth it made me jump "god mom you scered me" my mom didn't ansered to that. so I walked over to the couch where she was sitting. I saw tears on her cheeks and her face swollen "mama everything is okey?"Mama wiped her tears and patted the space next to her ba coach "siediti, bella" I sat next to my mom. "Somthing happend mom. It is about nanno?" my mother clothed me "what I tell you only know you're mom and my papa" Mom said in a hoarse voice "when I was at you're age I came here on exchange for a year. I went for a party.I was supposed to return to Italy soon, so they wanted to say goodbye to me this way. I was with 4 friend's Jacon Maria Lily And.. and Luca ans I didn't know him that well he was Lily brother and she was my best friend I trusted him because of that" my mama said but she stopped "I don't know why, but I always forget that you too, were once a teenager and went to parties"I turned towards my mother "I know. I didn't party much anyway. and this party I haven't drunk to much I had mamby 3 drinks and I started to fell a littel bit dezzy then Luca come to me and.. And asked me if everything is okey and I said that I am not feeling well he take me to the room and.. And" I heard a lot of heaviness in my mother's voice. you could hear that she was on the verge of crying "he rape me.. no one believed me.. even my own father.. he said if I wasn't drinking and provoke this guy..." when I heard it was somthing different, I hugged her. I did it a long time ago because every touch made me remember everything... everything that happened. I always tensed up every time I touched someone, but now after my mom told me this and she probably went through all this, I immediately relaxed "I'm sorry mama"I didn't know whether I was sad because of what happened to her or maybe because of the way I treated her over the last few days  "don't be sorry bella.. the only person that should be sorry is a guy tbat decide that he gona hurt me. a tell you aobout it cause i want you to know that i'm hear and if ever anything hapoed to you, me and maya are here and we will be bay you're site " mama held my face "okay" but I still couldn't tell her. I saw how much pain she had now and I didn't want to put any more pressure on her. it was too difficult. I don't have as much strength as her... I've always admired her and what a wonderful mother and person she is. I always wanted to be like her


Hello everyone. I know we haven't heard from each other for a long time, but as I wrote earlier, my girlfriend had just come to visit me and I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before she left. back to what happened in this chapter. I think Carina's story wasn't touched upon enough in this series, especially after they gave us something and then didn't finish it. I hope you liked today's chapter and of course likes and comments are welcome

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