chapter 26

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at the same time

"Carina, we need you for a pregnant woman who is 24 weeks pregnant we need the best ob." Baily said and Carina immediately entered the operating room

"The baby's heart rate is normal for now, we will keep this baby inside long as possible" Carina said as she entered the room. At some point, heart of the baby drasticly fall. "Baily hart of a baby is droping. How long with the mother?" Carina asked trying to focus on the child's life "I can't stop the bleeding. Where is Gray?" I asked Baily because she asked for it 10 minutes ago "she's doing another surgery" someone replied. Baily waved her head at Carina to start pulling the baby out. Baily in this while she was trying to save the woman from bleeding to death. it was a lot of cooperation. when Carina took out the baby, luckily it was breathing . she passed it on topediatricians "carina needs an extra pair of hands" Baily said. Carina immediately got to work and helped with Baily's surgery


"UGH Ally don't be like that" Elly said walking after her sister "shouldn't I be like that!? You're the one who sold me to our mom!" Ally entered the room and they stood in a row. today the girls played basketball. Both of them were selected for separate teams and the fact that Ally took it out on the rest of the girls is an understatement. one girl fouled. and when it was Elly's turn the girls started racing. Elly fell over, screaming in pain. "Ally, go to the bench today!" The wretchman said and Ally crouched down next to her sister "Elly im sorry" Ally said scared that she hurt her sister

"Ally i just got clear for a football!!" Elly was clearly upset with her sister. Elly hadn't been able to play football for some time, and when she finally got permission, something happened to her again.

"maybe it's not that bad" Ally said as she took the shoe off her sister's foot
"it hurts" Elly said with tears in her eyes and a moment later a teacher approached them

"Show me that leg young lady" a moment later, Elly's swollen ankle was visible to the entire room. "oh god not that" Elly was angry. that's not even an understatement, "Ally, help your sister get to the hygienist" the teacher said

"Girls, keep playing, I'll be back when I can." The teacher said to the rest of the room and at that moment he helped Elly stand up. Elly leaned on the jum with her hand and did the same with her sister so as to stand on that leg as little as possible.

"okay Ally, call your mom, we'll probably have to take her to the hospital. it doesn't look too good" the teacher said "mom is in that building that's on fire" Elly said after Ally dialed her number "what?? why didn't you say anything?" Ally asked slightly angry, "maybe because you didn't want to talk to me!?" Elly snorted to her sister as Teacher helped her onto the bed, "and your mother carina?" The teacher asked both girls looked at him with disgust when they saw the sparkle in his eyes at the thought of meeting thier mama.

"Mama probably is in hospital," Ally replied when her mom didn't answer

a moment later the hygienist came and started bandaging Elly's leg "I think it's just a sprain but it's worth checking it out at the hospital "yes we know" Elly said when the hygienist tried to stiffen her leg with a bandage


When Carina heard on the news that two of the firefighters was trapped in the building with two children, she immediately thought it was her wife. she decided to immediately call Andy, whom she saw in the background, "answer the damn phone" Carina said to herself

"Carina?" Andy asked on the phone "yes this is Carina please tell me that the firefighter who is trapped in the building is not my wife" Carina said quickly and with hope in her voice "carina.." Carina knew the answer immediately from Andy's tone of voice "oh god" Carina said "everyone is trying to free her and Vuc. we are trying to find a way out don't worry.. god I need to go." Andy hung up

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