Chapter 27

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"Place of Fire"

As Maya plummeted, she experienced a surreal moment of clarity. Contrary to her previous skepticism, her entire life flashed before her eyes in vivid detail: the disappointment etched on her father's face when she missed first place in a race, the triumph of her victories, the bittersweet tears staining her medal, the serendipitous encounter with her wife in a bar after her golden victory, and the overwhelming joy of expecting twins. Maya made a silent vow to protect her family at any cost, reliving precious memories of her daughter's first foray into football and the tender attempts of her loved ones to communicate. Each cherished moment flooded her consciousness until she felt the solid ground beneath her once more.

Moments later, she heard voices around her and opened her eyes to see the boy who had been shouting after her earlier.

"Maya, you're alive," Ravi said, tears in his eyes. Maya realized she was lying on an inflatable pillow that softened her fall.

"Don't move," Warren said, but Maya got up anyway. "Where's your sister, Ravi?" Maya asked.

"She's in the car. She told me to check on you."

"Ravi, your hand is bleeding. You need to go to the hospital too," Maya said, heading towards the ambulances. There was already a little girl in one of them.

"Maya," Erica said, removing her mask. Maya immediately stopped her and helped her put it back on.

"Erica, please breathe with this mask on. It'll help," Maya reassured her.

After ensuring Erica was stable, Maya instructed Ravi to go into the ambulance while she looked after his sister.

"Maya, I'm not keen on you being in that ambulance right now. You should get checked out too," Warren said, administering a drip. "I promise I'll check out when we get there." Their conversation was interrupted by a little girl struggling to breathe.

"Stay calm, I'm here. Try to breathe slowly," Maya comforted the girl on the stretcher. Erica looked at her with teary eyes, and Maya hummed an Italian song, soothing her until she calmed down.

Maya felt the car arrive and prepared to leave the ambulance. As she stepped out, she was embraced by Carina.

"Are you okay?" Carina asked, her voice trembling. her eyes traced her wife's entire body to see if there are any injuries

"I just have some bruises and scrapes. Apart from that, I'm fine, my love," Maya reassured her, kissing her.

"I promised I'd come back home." Maya smiled and then turned her attention to Ravi. "Thank you for looking after my sister," he said, patting his head. "I told you she was safe with me. Did someone take care of your hand?"

As Maya spoke, she noticed a boy nearby. "Go back to stitching," Baily instructed him firmly.

"I'm scared," the boy admitted tearfully. "How about my wife stitches you up?" Maya suggested to him, looking at Carina.

Carina introduced herself to the boy before preparing to administer anesthesia. "Bambina Elly is in the hospital," Carina informed Maya as she gathered supplies. "What?" Maya asked, worried. "She just sprained her ankle during PE," Carina explained, relieved. "Oh man... she just got the green light for football," Maya sighed, hugging Carina.

"Okay, go to her, and I'll take care of the boy waiting for me in the room," Carina said.

Later, Carina administered anesthesia to Ravi. "Are you Maya's wife?" Ravi asked.

"Yes, and I have been for 12 years," Carina replied with a smile.

"Do you love each other?" Ravi asked, surprising Carina.

"Yes, very much. We even have two daughters," Carina answered, sitting beside him.

As Carina sewed up his hand, the boy shared his story, revealing his father's obsession with Maya. This revelation intrigued Maya, and she entered the room to join the conversation.

"Wait... Maya Bishop?" the boy exclaimed, recognizing her.

"Yes, that's me," Maya confirmed, intrigued by his excitement.

"My god, my father was obsessed with you!" the boy exclaimed.

"That's interesting," Carina remarked, exchanging a glance with Maya.

Caina finished treating the boy's hand before he asked to see his sister. Maya assured him that she would take him to her, while Carina admired his resilience. carina even saw her reflection in the boy who was so happy just to see his sister

"Can I go to my sister?" the boy asked with hope in his voice. "Of course," Carina smiled at the boy, who was practically beaming. Immediately after hearing these words, he got up and ran out of the room. A moment later, the boy turned around. "And where is she?" he asked, slightly flustered. "I will take you to her," Maya smiled at the boy, and he nodded in thanks. Maya was struck by how excited he was to see his siblings.

Carina, on the other hand, stood with tears in her eyes, admiring the boy's determination. He reminded her a lot of herself when she was little.

A few hours later, the two women went to Elly's room to be discharged after all the tests. Elly immediately hugged her mother, who happily accepted her embrace.

"God, I can finally get out of here," Elly exclaimed with great joy, even jumping off the bed. "I see someone is excited to go out?" Link asked the girl.

"Yep, give these papers to my mom so I can get out of here," Elly pleaded. Carina received the papers with a laugh.

Maya noticed that Ally was sitting on the other side of the room, staring blankly. She walked up to her daughter and sat down next to her. "Hey," Maya said, taking a seat. "Everything okay?" Ally's eyes welled up, and she leaned her head on her mother's shoulder. "Non lo so," Ally whispered.

Carina, unaware of her second daughter's mood, said, "Before we go home, we need to talk to you about something." Carina smiled at Maya. "What?" Ally asked, trying to push aside her thoughts. "i saved two children from a fire today, and unfortunately, their parents died," Maya said, noticing Carina's hesitation. "They will come to stay with us for a few days until their family can pick them up," Carina said quickly. "That's great!" Elly said excitedly. "And how long will they stay?" Ally asked with curiosity.

"Until next week," Maya replied. "But don't you need a permit or something?" Elly asked, connecting the dots. "Your mom and I have had a permit since Pru was born, just in case," Carina explained. "The rest of the station has them too, just in case," Maya added.

"Just in case you die?" Ally asked, her tone tinged with anger. Everyone was taken aback by her statement. "Umm..." Maya struggled to find an answer. "For someone to take you away, I would have to die too, and I'm far from that," Carina joked lightly. "Although sometimes I wonder, with how busy I am with you how i am still alive," she chuckled. "Stop it!" Ally snapped, getting up from her chair. "It's not funny at all. You don't joke about things like that."

"Tesoro, cosa sta succedendo?" Carina asked, concerned about her daughter's behavior. "Not long ago, everyone was afraid for Mom's life. How can you joke about it?" Ally burst out, shocking everyone.

Maya got up and stood in front of her daughter, grabbing her shoulders. "Ally, these are just jokes. I'm here and not going anywhere," Maya reassured her daughter, noticing the remorse in her eyes. Ally broke down, and Maya hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, my love," Maya whispered into her ear, feeling Ally calm down in her arms.

"I'm sorry, I just..." Ally tried to explain, but she was out of breath. Interrupting her, Maya said, "I know you were afraid for me, but I'm here." Maya continued to hold her daughter, who snuggled into her even tighter.

After a while, Ally turned towards her mother and sisters. "I'm sorry," she said with a slight smile, knowing she shouldn't have raised her voice.

"You're lucky you apologized, or else I'd think you were going to punch you in the face," Elly joked, limping towards her sister. Carina joined them, and they all hugged at once


so welcome back to the next part of our work. Generally, I haven't posted anything for a long time, I know and I'm very sorry. I have very big plans for this prince (and I literally plan to write about 100 more points to do)

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