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In the quiet of the night, Ally was roused by a gentle touch on her back. Even before she could react, she recognized the familiar hand—it belonged to her sister, Elly. Elly’s tear-swollen face revealed her emotional turmoil. Without hesitation, she asked, “Can I sleep with you?” Ally shifted slightly, making room under the blanket, and replied, “Come.” Elly nestled in beside her, seeking solace in their sisterly bond. The unspoken understanding between them spoke volumes, and as Elly whispered, “Thank you, sis,” Ally felt a surge of compassion. She wrapped her arms around Elly, pulling her close, and whispered back, “You’re always welcome here, no matter the hour.” In that shared warmth, they found comfort

Maya and Carina, the mothers, woke up to find their daughters still slumbering. With a rare day off ahead, they synchronized their steps toward their respective rooms. Maya approached Ally, while Carina headed to Elly's door.

As Maya turned the knob and pushed the door open, her heart swelled. There they were—her two daughters, wrapped in an embrace that transcended time. Their hug mirrored the innocence of childhood, a memory etched in Maya's mind. Tears welled up, and she couldn't help but capture the scene on her phone.

"Carina, look," Maya whispered, beckoning her wife over. Carina peeked over Maya's shoulder, her eyes softening. "Precious angels," she murmured, her voice filled with tenderness. They stood there, unwilling to disturb their peaceful connection.

But practicality nudged them. "They need to eat," Maya said, meeting Carina's beautiful brown eyes. She nodded in agreement, and together, they approached their daughters' beds.

"Sweeties," Maya coaxed, gently shaking Elly. "Time to wake up." Elly mumbled in protest, her Italian slipping through: "Mama, no... Voglio continuare a dormire." She shifted, almost toppling off the bed, but Maya caught her just in time.

"How was your sleep?" Maya asked, brushing a strand of hair from Elly's forehead. Elly, half-conscious, grumbled, "Bad. I forgot how loudly Ally snores." Carina and Maya shared a soft laugh. "Well," Maya teased, "you're the one who sought refuge in my bed. And Ally graciously allowed it. Besides, your snoring isn't any better. If you scoot any closer, I won't have an inch left."

Laughter filled the room, a balm for their souls. As they gently roused the girls, Maya whispered, "Vi amo molto, ragazze. Siete i miei tesori." Her love for them overflowed—their sisterly bond, their quirks, their shared history—all wrapped up in this cozy morning.

Elly felt a storm brewing within her as she grappled with the bewildering actions of her math teacher. Doubt and frustration gnawed at her, mingling with a sense of injustice. Why had he treated her that way? Was it because she dared to stand up to him?

Lost in her contemplations, Elly was brought back to reality by Mama's concerned voice,

"Bambina," Mama said, concern etching her features. "Why aren't you eating?" Elly pushed her plate away, her appetite nonexistent. "I'm not in the mood to eat," she replied softly.

Mama persisted, her love evident. "Don't you like it? It's pasta—I made it for you. It's your piatto preferito (favorite dish). I've noticed you haven't eaten much lately. Everything okay, bambina?"

Carina said, placeing a comforting hand on her daughter's, but Elly quickly withdrew. "I'm sorry, Mama," Elly murmured. "Do you mind if I go for a run?"

Maya exchanged a glance with Carina. "El, it's past ten," she said gently. "Maybe it's better to stay home, babmina."

But Elly's need to escape, to clear her mind, was too strong to ignore. She felt a desperate urge to break free from the suffocating grip of her thoughts."I'll be okay," she insisted, standing up and reaching for her running shoes. Carina's pleading eyes met Maya's. "Then I'm going with you," Maya declared.

Carina and Maya twinsWhere stories live. Discover now