chapter 18

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4 days later

In recent days, Maya and Carina have started arguing with each other over some bullshit. there was a tense atmosphere in the house

"Mama you okay?" Ally went to Carina and Elly went to Maya "Yes Honey. Are you okay?" Carina asked Ally and at the same time she was folding laundry and Ally came to her and started helping her, "Everything okay between you and mom?"

Carina sighed, "we're just arguing, honey." For a moment, neither of them said anything else and there was silence, "but you two are arguing a lot. Elly last saw mama sleeping on the couch"

Ally replied in a slightly worried voice, "baby, everything is fine between me and your mom. I promise." Carina replied to her daughter with a smile and kissed her on the forehead

"maybe you need some time for yourself? Me and Ally, can we go somewhere today so I can give you two time to talk about everything?"

Carina knew immediately that this conversation only led to one thing: "where do you want to go?" Carina said knowing that Ally had already thought of something

"no, I haven't thought about it.. yet." Carina raised an eyebrow at her daughter and Ally immediately knew that her mother knew "okay we want to go to the concert with Rayan and Madi we want them to get to know each other a little etc." Ally said with hope in her voice that she would be able to convince her mother,

"and you probably want money for it, right?" Carina said as she left the laundry room and went to her bedroom "well, that would be nice" Carina reached for her wallet "how much?" Elly put on her best eyes at this point "so one ticket costs 50 dollars so for the two of us we need 100"

Carina looked into her wallet "here's 100 for each of you. You have to make sure that nothing happens to you. You have to be home no later than 12 and not a minute late." Ally was smiling from ear to ear and she started jumping with happiness "yeah. "Thank you mom. Thank you mom" Ally hugged her mom and ran to her room where her sister was waiting for her.

Elly took money out of her pocket and they both had $200 from each mother
"We're good at this," the girls high-fived each other, which she came up with when they were a kid


Carina and Maya continued to avoid each other and the girls still didn't know what happened

We're leaving!!" Elly yelled and Maya and Carina went out to say goodbye to their daughters, telling them that they need to be safe and that they should rely on eachother. A moment later, only the two of them were left in the house.

"so" maya started "I don't feel like talking to you" Carina said turning away from her wife "baby how long will you stay mad at me? You can't be mad at me forever just because..."

"just because? just!?" Carina interrupted Maya "darling, I only ate your chocolates" Maya said trying not to laugh because her wife hasn't spoken to her for three days because of it "and you see you don't even feel guilty about it... and these were my favorite chocolates from Italian, you know it well"

Carina was still clearly angry about the whole chocolate thing "come to our room honey" Maya said extending her hand to her wife "for what?" Carina replied dryly "please come with me to the room." Maya continued to hold her hand towards her wife "fine" Carina bypassed maya's hand and went to their bedroom. a few moments later maya entered the room with a large stool

"what is it?" Carina asked, raising her eyebrow slightly, "I have something for you" maya said smiling broadly

Carina looked a little more curiously at the box her wife was holding. "It looks heavy." Carina said, approaching the box "a little bit."

Carina and Maya twinsWhere stories live. Discover now