chapter 16 (smut)

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informs you there is smut. If you are not interested in reading such things, please DON'T read it


when Ally entered the house all the girls immediately started attacking her "how was it?" Elly was lying on the couch. her head was on mama lap and Mom was sitting next to her wife. "It was.. fun" I smiled to myself,

"Oh, I know that smile, bambina, just like when I saw your mom talking about me.." Carina had a realy big smile on her face "you kissed? " Mama said excitedly

"Carina!" Maya said "what? you know well that she is 16 years old, I lost my virginity at the age of 15" Carina looked at Maya, I looked at Elly and mom was terrified "oh no, she's not in a hurry. right Ally?" Me and Elly couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"No it's, No funny." Maya was terrified, and Carina tried not to laugh. "Mom, I didn't kiss him. He's my friend." 

"Yeh, Definitely" Elly winked at Ally and started laughing, "oh shut up" I said angry

"First of all language and Secondly guys let stop that before you get rid of each other." Carina said "she would have a bit of a problem with that" Ally replied, still teasing her sister "Ally!!" my Maya yelled at me "okay, I'm sorry.." I said in a quieter voice, "but she's actually right." Elly tried to defuse the situation and succeeded. everyone started laughing. 

A silent tear rolled down Carina's cheek, which she quickly wiped away, and when she felt Maya's eyes on her, she immediately smiled at her, "Okay girls, now it's time to sleep, what do you think?" Carina stood up with a fake smile, "Elly, you're probably exhausted after the hospital? I'll help you wash up so you don't get the wound too wet, right?" Mama said helping her daughter to stand up.

After somthing like 2 hour's carina want to her room wher her wife was waiting for her. Carina just laid on the shoulder maya felt exhausted "do you want to  shower with me?" maya said kissing her wife on the forehead. Carina just noded for a yes. both women took care of their bodies and went to a bed

"carina everything is okey?" maya asked her beloved after she saw a tear on her wife's cheek, which she quickly wiped away in secret. "Yeh, why you ask?" Carina said in a tired voice "you thing I not seeing that?" maya lifted her wife's head up and saw her wife's red eyes "i'm okey it was just long day bambina" maya didn't believe her wife's words but she didn't want to push her anymore and they both went to sleep.


Carina was the one who got up much earlier to prepare breakfast for the whole family. finally, each of them had some time off and they could finally spend time together

"Mmmm that smel delicious." Maya entered the kitchen wearing her favorite sweatshirt and walked up to her wife from behind and hugged her and kissed her on the shoulder.

Carina instantly melted. she had felt her wife's touch on her waist for a very long time. and not because their spark had faded, but because both women were very busy with their lives.

Tears came to Carina's eyes again and she could no longer calm them down like last night. Maya, immediately concerned about her wife's condition, stood in front of her and grabbed her hands

"My love.. What's going on?" maya said in a very gentle voice. her wife immediately hugged her with all of her "it's just that... it's so damn overwhelming. I have missed you so much" Maya immediately knew what her wife meant "I missed you too, honey"

maya wrapped her lips around her beautiful wife's and both women felt the same electric desire. maya led her wife to the counter and lifted her so she could sit down. Carina spread her legs for her

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