Chapter 28

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The following day dawned with palpable tension saturating the air within the walls of the Deluca-Bishop House, anticipation for the impending arrival of new household members setting everyone on edge.

A Famili of four have have Seated around the table for breakfast, most of the time there was silence at the table and everyone was eating the delicious breakfast that Carina had made for them. Maya and Carina watched over their daughter and then looked at each other, trying to communicate at the same time 

"Ally, I see you're not eating," Maya said. It had been decided with Carina the previous day to monitor Ally's food intake closely. Ally, seemingly stop eating her meals, and now she was playing the pancake on ger plate, oblivious to her parents' watchful gazes.

"I can make you something lighter for your stomach if you don't feel well," Cari said, smiling slightly at her daughter.  she knew well that her daughter wasn't eating for another reason, but she didn't want to pressure her just yet 

"If you don't eat it, I'm taking it it's too delicious to go to waste " Elly said, pushing her sister's plate towards her  self

Maya and Carina shared a chuckle at Elly's remark, the warmth of familial love palpable in the air. "I'm very glad you like Bambina"Carina, ever the attentive mother, offered to got up from the table, by the way, she kissed Ally on the forehead because she was sitting next to her  finding the oatmeal already prepared for her daughter because she knew that today's breakfast might end like this 

"Thank you mama" Ally murmured with a faint smile, acknowledging her mother's efforts as she glanced at the oatmeal with a sense of relief, reassured by its lighter

after finishing breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen, Maya suggested that Elly go with her to the hospital for the new gust in the house. Elly was so excited, and luckily, she happily agreed. Maya and Carina started planning yesterday how they could talk to Ally privately, at least so that to one of them would open up. 

After breakfast, Ally found herself in the bathroom, staring at her reflection with puffy eyes, the remnants of her breakfast now flushed away. Despite her efforts to resist, the overwhelming urge to vomiting  had consumed her once more, leaving her feeling helpless and distraught.. she tried everything.. With a trembling breath, Ally glanced down at the bandages encasing her thighs, a stark reminder of the lengths she had gone to in her quest for control. Each line was a silent testament to the battles she fought in silence, a desperate attempt to shield herself from the pain that threatened to engulf her.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and her mama soothing voice penetrated the silence, "baby, it's me. Mama" Carina said in a calm voice  "Can I come inside?" Carina asked "yes" Ally replied in a still hoarse voice. Ally quickly rinsed her mouth and when she left the room she saw Carine sitting on her bed 

"What up?" Ally asked, avoiding eye contact 

"I wanted to talk to you" Carina began, her voice soft yet firm, a reflection of her concern for Ally's well-being, who was clearly tense, and she could see that her eyes were glazed over "can I say that I don't feel like talking and will you leave the room?" words laced with rudeness as she busied herself with tidying her room, a familiar coping mechanism when faced with anxiety.

"Undeterred by Ally's defensiveness, Carina pressed on, her voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within her. "Me and Mom are very worried about you," she began, her words tinged with urgency and affection, yet Ally's response was dismissive, a wall of resistance erected between them. "you have nothing to worry about " Ally replied without even looking at her mama

"I don't know, honey, if you're behaving like this, it means that something is happening." carina continued to try to be calm in remembrance of her daughter's tone of voice  "Nothing is happening!" Ally said louder and Carine gasped. there was silence in the room for a moment 

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