chapter 24

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Maya left the house and Ally quickly ran to the room followed by Elly "did something happen Carina?" Andre said as he walked over to his sister who was clearly in pain from her back

"I carried Ally practically all day. And how did your exams go?" Carina asked her brother's curious for an answer. Before she could ask, Elly ran back to the room.

"Mammy help Ally." Elly said running "piccola don't run in the kitchen please" And then Carina went to Ally.

Ally wasn't in the room but in the girls' bathroom. When Carina came inside, she was already putting on her pants "I did Pipi without help" Ally said proudly "Oh baby I'm so proud of you"

Carina crouched down to her daughter, "are you feeling a little better?" Carina asked her daughter, who was already in a better mood, "si" Ally nodded, but tears came to her eyes because of the memories from tonight "mammy" Ally said crying and immediately hugged her, "baby, will you tell me what's going on?" Carina asked the 4-year-old who was trying to calm down in her mother's arms. At that moment sms came to Carina

Carina saw Maya's text message

Honey, I can't come today. You have to arrange bathing and reading yourself. I love you

Carina sighed when she saw May's message. Carina just replied okay be safe and love you and sent a message

"Mommy won't be there for reading or washing today" Carina told her daughter, slightly sad, "no washing, per favore" Ally She tensed again in her mother's arms, "okay, we'll see what we can do, bambina

When Carina returned to the kitchen, she saw Andrea and Elly dancing around the kitchen. they both sang Elly's favorite song

"are you keeping an eye on my spaghetti? Carina asked her brother "So I had something to keep an eye on?" Carina laughed as they saw her brother's panic and he started looking around the kitchen, "I hace turned them off because I knew this would happen."

After dinner, unfortunately, Andrea had to go home  And Carina was left with two toddler "when mommy will back?" Elly asked her mammy "I.. I think tomorrow afternoon" Carina answered honest with her Daughter "I miss her" Ally added

Carina looked at her watch. Maya texted her 5 hours ago, so Carina knew Maya was already at the station  "let's go to her place, what do you think?" Elly immediately started jumping up and down to see her mommy

"No mommy" Ally replied, "you just said you miss your mom." Carina started laughing softly

After a few minutes of tossing and turning in her seat, Ally finally calmed down and Carina was able to head towards the station . 15 minutes later Carina pulled into the parking lot and took out the two girls. Elly was so excited She ran around her mother who was heading more and more towards the door "Elly You have to slow down a little." Elly didn't listen to her mother and when she saw the slightly opened door, she immediately ran through it and ran into someone's legs "oh hey little one" Capitan Herrera said Picking up the little one from the ground, "where's your mom?" Ally asked "no lo so nano" Elly smiled

"i'm sorry Pruitt I have another clingy 4 year old who doesn't want let go of me" Carina said slightly out of breath "I can take her" Pruitt suggested "I don't know if she will agree. She don't even want to hug Maya" Carina said with a soft sigh. Herrera placed Elly on the floor as she wanted to look for her mommy

"Hi Ally you okay? You want to come to abuelo?" Herrera gave a safe distance so she could feel safe

"No Fuego?" Ally asked, inhaling more deeply, "can you smell it?" Pruitt spread his arms and came closer to Ally, who immediately, after feeling that he didn't smell like smoke, put her hands out to him For him to take her in his arms. Carina moved her lips and said thank you and left to Maya

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