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3 days later


I picked up our daughter when a mtath teacher of Elly knocked on my window in a car "hey miss deluca-bishop. Can we talk for a secend?" I got out of my car and Mr. Smith started talking. "I noticed that your daughter has not been doing well in my lessons lately. I have already offered her additional lessons, despite everything, I want to help her because I see how hard she is trying in my lessons now" my daughters came to me ally stood next to me and elly stood a little further away from us "what is going on?" Ally she asked us right away "you'r teacher suggested extra classes for Elly. He want to help her

When I heard what my mom said, I slid him from top to bottom. "For what? Hmm?" I said it in a very unpleasant tone of voice "i'm sorry for that Mr Smith" Carina said"don't worry. I just want to help her with math" I looked at Elly and she was terrified. Whenever I thought about how he hurt my sister, I immediately went into defense mode "No thanks and don't ask again i will help her" I smiled very artificially and walked up to Elly and I put my arm around her. I turned around and saw his face turn red

a moment later we were all sitting in the car "what was that Ally?" Mama said a little bit mad "nothing. I'm sorry I just want to tech her on my way because he can teach her at class so on extra lesson it will be not better. I will teach her like i know she is getting"
"Tou shouldn't talk to you'r teacher like that" "my bad" I think I went a bit overboard then, but i was really angry and I didn't know how to deal with it

Already in the evening, Carina approached me: "Did you notice that Ally started behaving strangely?" maya frowned slightly and "what do you mean my love?" "today, when the math teacher Ell started talking about extra lessons, she started to get very strange. She started being rude to him." "That strange" "I know that why im asking cause it's weard. It was like ally for a little bit was like elly and elly was jak ally."Maya hugged Carin to her "I just have the feling that there is something wrong with them

Week later

I wanted to get back to normal and I heard from Rayan that there was a party at Rachel's. so I decided to run away from home like I always do. After all, I took a smaller room to have a better solution of going out at night. when I opened the window someone came into my room and I quickly lay down on the bed "what are you doing?" said my 2-minute older sister, who had just scared me to death, "God, you scared me. You should have warned me somehow." I said getting out of bed again and started to look out the window when Ally started following me "and where are going?" I stood in front of her "what?" I couldn't believe my sister's words "I don't know, are you deaf? I'm coming with you" "definitely not dressed like that" Ally usually wears casual tomboy clothes. we went back home and scared her and put makeup on her until I met my sister "oh god" ally said, turning around her sister "sister, I didn't know you had such a figure" Elly continued to look at her sister "i know i'm a girl and you have a thing to girls but let me remind you that we look practically identical El and You'd be have crash on your self " I started lathing "oh shut up"

We left the house and after a while I was standing in front of a full house of people "and what do you thing sis?" we stood for a moment "I don't really know. The only thing I know is that I feel weird in this outfit... and this makeup" I looked at my sister "you have to be with me all the time, don't leave or anything, if you get lost you have "stand still and don't move. If a boy asks the cuebue if he wants to hold your drink, don't agree. Rayan will be inside, so if anything happens, approach him, you know well that he's like our brother, he'll protect you from anyone."


I grabbed Elly's shoulders who had the word "sis, everything will be fine and you need to have some fun so that she can finally become like you because it's a bit weird being you" Elly went inside and I followed "Is this some cool cousin of El's? because if so, maybe you could introduce me," Rayan said with a slight smile, "control yourself, it's Ally. how much have you drank already?" Rayan narrowed his eyes and pointed with his fingers, "just little bit... wait, did I understand correctly that it was Elly? I didn't know she looked like that" Rayan was already a little tipsy "yes, this is my sister, whom you have to keep an eye on, otherwise you will have to deal with me. If she lose a hair on her head, I will personally kill you." Ryan sobered up immediately when I told him all this "okey I will don't worry" she introduced Ally to several people. I knew that if they knew she was with me, they would protect her and no one would hurt her. I guess everyone at school knows me, Ally too, but that's only because she's my sister

2 hours later
"I didn't know parties could be so fun" Ally shouted at me over the loud music "I know I tried to make you do it, but you never wanted to" I said and suddenly felt how thirsty I was. I went to make a quick drink for myself because I felt much too sober and I drank it practically in one go.

I went back to where Ally was but now she wasn't there. I started looking for Rayan but when I finally found him, he didn't have Ally with him

"Wher is Ally?" I asked Rayan "wasn't she with you?" we both looked at each other and divided the two floors, he was looking for the top and I was looking for the bottom. I couldn't find it anywhere, I looked everywhere...

Carina and Maya twinsWhere stories live. Discover now