Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 37

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It was a silent carriage that conducted the Bridgertons back to Number 5 Bruton. 

Eloise and Anthony kept throwing each other angry glances. Violet was the only one who sat serenely, staring out the carriage window.

Violet didn't speak until the three of them were seated in the sitting room at Number 5 Bruton.

"Thank you for the tea", said Violet graciously. "And please make sure we are not disturbed. Anthony dear, yours is the one with milk."

"We just had tea", said Anthony impatiently but a look from his mother silenced him and he came forward to accept the cup from her.

Anthony looked between his mother and Eloise and said "You know this wedding can't possibly go on. We have to call it off. Luckily, nothing has been announced considering Eloise wanted a quiet wedding. I think the best thing is...."

"We are not calling off the wedding", said Eloise in a shrill voice.

"Yes we are! You need to....", began Anthony.

"That will do the both of you!", said Violet. "Anthony dear, I understand your concern. But the Marquess has assumed his title and he has assumed it well. If I understand correctly, he has gone out of his way to protect Eloise's honour by steering her away from Lord Twombley."

"For his own benefit", said Anthony heatedly.

"A gentleman is often not determined by his birth but the way he conducts himself", carried on Violet, unperturbed. "Lord Barclay has shown himself to be a gentleman at every turn. In fact, this entire season he has had eyes only for Eloise. And for the first time since coming out, Eloise has seemed happy. For whatever reason, she seems to have found what I found with your father in Lord Barclay. And that's what I want for all my children. To be in love and to be loved. Anthony, is your objection to Lord Barclay merely because of what Lord Twombley has told you or is there any other reason?"

Anthony gave a sigh and said "Mother, I just want to prevent a scandal."

"There will be no scandal", said Violet. "Whatever Lord Twombley has mentioned to you has been done so out of spite. He wouldn't dare let it slip to the rest of the ton out of fear of what you know about him."

Anthony sighed and then looked at Eloise.

"You are really happy aren't you?", he asked.

Eloise smiled and said "I am. I agree with Mother, this is not something Lord Twombley will let known to the ton. The secret you and Theo are keeping on him would ruin him."

"Lord Barclay told you?", asked Anthony, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes he did", said Eloise.

"And what about Whistledown?", demanded Anthony. "What if she were to print this in her scandal sheet?"

"Oh this is one secret that Whistledown won't find out. And even if she does, you can be sure that she wouldn't print it", said Eloise in a hardened voice.

Anthony looked at her curiously and said "Why do I get the feeling you know who Whistledown is?"

Eloise evaded the question as she jumped to her feet. She looked at her mother and said "You know the two of us were supposed to visit Theo. May I go and see him again?"

"Very well, dear", said Violet smiling. "I won't come as I have a few things to do. Anthony, would you see to it that Eloise gets there and gets back home?"

"Of course", said Anthony, holding out his arm. Eloise linked her hand through his and left the room with a smile.

Violet watched them leave with a wistful look on her face.

"Another one will fly the nest", she said softly before shaking her head and getting to her feet.


Ever since the Bridgertons had left, Theo hadn't left his study. 

He had slumped into the seat behind the desk and stared out the window. He felt blank and empty. The thought of facing the ton and the days being a Marquess without Eloise...... it was too much for him to bear.

As he was seriously considering giving it all up and walking back to the oblivion of working in a print shop, Theo heard a knock on the door.

"Not now", Theo called back.

"Why not?", asked a voice that Theo recognized immediately. He jumped to his feet and flung the door open.

Eloise stood there with a smile on her face.

Theo gazed at her, drinking in her appearance.

"Well?", he asked in a hoarse voice after a long time.

"It looks like you will get a Marchioness after all", said Eloise, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind her.

Theo gave a quavering sigh of relief and gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I have to be home soon", said Eloise looking up at him.

"That's alright", said Theo with a smile. "I can live with that for now. Very soon, my home will be with you."

Eloise smiled and placed her head on his chest. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 19 ⏰

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