Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 21

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"She knows", breathed Eloise, panic coming into her face. "She knows!"

"Eloise, calm down. Just because she told me which fork to use, doesn't mean...." began Theo but Eloise cut across the sentence.

"Of course it does!", said Eloise, unable to contain herself as she began walking agitatedly. "Theo! I told you! I told you to be careful about the ton! Now she knows and soon everyone else will!"

"Eloise, I don't think Penelope Featherington will tell anyone. She is very quiet", said Theo.

"That's the mistake people make!", cried out Eloise. "Theo, in the next few days it will be in Whistledown and then the ton! They will shun you and the Queen! There is no knowing what she will do!"

"Eloise, Eloise!", said Theo grabbing hold of her hand and forcing her to stand in front of him. "Eloise, calm down"

Theo gazed at her in alarm. Her eyes were wide and filled with a panic that he had never seen before. She was breathing deeply and her relentless pacing had caused wisps of her hair to escape the bun.

"No! I can't, you don't understand! I won't let Whistledown ruin....."

"Shh!", said Theo, forcefully, cutting across the sentence and silencing her. "Eloise, calm down. No! Don't speak. Just calm down. Breathe, breathe"

Impulsively, Theo held her face in both his hands. Eloise grasped his hands as she fought to gain control of her rapid breath.

"Calm, it's alright. It's alright", murmured Theo in a soothing voice. Eloise's breathing slowed down as each breath lengthened.

Theo felt her trembling and touched his forehead to hers.

"It's alright. Just breathe. Whatever it is, we'll work it out together", said Theo softly as he rubbed his thumbs against her cheeks.

Eloise clutched his hands as her breathing finally resumed to normal. She had been shaken on hearing the sentence. Fear had gripped at the thought of Theo's secret being revealed by Whistledown. Fear that once again, Theo would be ripped from her life only this time the void would be greater.

Last time, Eloise had ended her friendship with Theo to protect him. The threat of Lady Whistledown had brought her crashing back to reality. The reality that she and Theo inhabited different worlds, worlds that couldn't cross.

But in the past few weeks, it seemed as though the impossible had happened. Fate seemed to have brought Theo back in her orbit.

Eloise didn't know what to think of her friendship with Theo, but this much she knew, she couldn't go back to the way things were. Without an intellectual equal, without someone to share her innermost feelings, without a kindred spirit, without someone to explore new avenues.

His hands were exactly as she imagined they would be. Warm, large with a slight roughness to them from his days in the print shop. Eloise breathed in his scent. Soft yet strong musk that was welcoming.

Theo felt her delicate fingers touch his hands. He pulled away slightly and looked at her face. Her eyes were still closed as she took deep, steadying breaths. As his fingers touched the errant strands of hair, Eloise's eyes flickered open and Theo's breath caught.

Eloise raised her eyebrows in questioning silence and Theo mumbled "Your eyes, I didn't know they could be even more beautiful up close. I feel as though...."

"As though....", prodded Eloise softly.

"As though I am looking into the depths of the ocean and there are mysteries still to uncover", breathed back Theo.

Theo realised that he was closer to Eloise than he had been that day in the print shop and he flushed. She had clearly stepped back then and she was vulnerable now. The honourable thing for him to do was to step away.

Theo moved his hands away from her face even though it tore at him. He looked down as he rotated his shoulders and made to step away. Eloise grabbed his hands and he froze.

Theo looked up at her and a spark of anger was in her face.

"What?", Eloise questioned.

"Eloise, you are clearly upset. I don't want it to be as though....."

"As though?", interrupted Eloise.

Theo swallowed and said "As though I am....." Words failed him as Eloise took one step closer.

He took a deep breath, unsure what to do. The memory of that encounter in the print shop sparked in his mind but another image came unbidden into his mind. The image of Eloise when he slept in Barclay Mansion.

"Theo", said Eloise in a serious voice. "Theo."

His resolve broke. He couldn't stay away. Every fibre of his being yearned for her and desired to respond to her call.

Theo placed one hand under Eloise's chin and tilted it upwards. He could feel her trembling and he was quite sure he was trembling as well. He gently caressed his thumb against her soft, full lower lip to calm her as well as himself.

He bent his head down and softly brushed his lips against hers and then paused, savouring the emotion. His eyebrows shot up on his forehead as warmth coursed through him.

Eloise had a different reaction. With a sharp intake of breath, Eloise reached up and grasped his face, pulling it towards her. Their lips touched again but this time the gentleness of the first touch was replaced by an urgent need, fuelled by instinct.

Emotions burst in Theo's mind, warmth and passion as his other hand trailed down Eloise's back and rested on her waist. Eloise flung her arms around his neck and tightly held him close, possessively.

Theo worked her lips faster, demanding more to which she responded with passion. Theo forgot the world. Forgot that he was standing in the Bridgertons country mansion and that mere weeks ago he had been working at a print shop. All that mattered was Eloise and at this moment, she wanted him as much as he had always wanted her.

They both pulled away at the same moment to take a breath. Theo opened his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. Eloise's eyes fluttered open and the blue depths of her gaze penetrated right to his soul. Theo raised a hand from her waist and hesitantly touched her cheek.

Theo pulled back and opened his mouth to say something when Eloise stepped back quickly.

Theo frowned as alarm gripped him, worried if he had overstepped his bounds and he opened his mouth to issue an apology when Eloise placed a finger on her lips. She shook her head and whispered "Go quickly. I think I hear someone coming."

"Eloise", muttered Theo but before he could say anything else, she pushed him towards the space in between the trees.

"Go! We will speak later! Go!", said Eloise. Theo stumbled backwards and with a last look at her, squeezed between the gap and hurried through the trees the road. 

As expected, Theo's carriage was waiting for him. As soon as the carriage made its way to Barclay Mansion, Theo felt like a complete coward. He had kissed a lady of the ton in her own home and fled like a coward! Theo felt furious with himself and was in half a mind to turn around and speak to Eloise. But in truth, he didn't know what to say.

Theo had spent enough time in London to know the ways of the ton even though he hadn't spent more than weeks amongst them. A Lady of the ton was expected to have callers and get married to one after a period of courting. Theo realised with dread that if someone had caught them, Eloise's reputation would be in tatters and that was the last thing he wished.

"I have to do the honourable thing", thought Theo as he entered his study. The problem with doing the honourable thing was he was unsure of his position. Unsure of his position as the Marquess of Barclay and unsure of Eloise's feelings. The ton may have been charming till date but Theo was sure they were yet to accept him as one of their own.

"I need to up my game as far as understanding the estate goes", thought Theo to himself as he paced in the study. "And I need to start courting Eloise the way the rest of these pompous Lords do. That way she will have the chance to reject me should she choose to do so."

The thought of Eloise rejecting him caused him physical pain but Theo knew there was nothing else to do.

"I better get down to work", thought Theo looking around at the paper strewn study. "Mr. Red will be here tomorrow and I want to be prepared. I wonder what Eloise is thinking."

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