Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Theo entered Lady Montague's residence, nervously tugging at his waistcoat.

"I detest this", he thought to himself. "I don't even know why I agreed to this. I can't be among these people, I'm not like them. I work at a print shop. As soon as this evening gets over, I'm going to speak to Finch and the solicitor and get out of this. They can find someone else to take up the Marquess title."

Theo stared in awe as he stepped inside the banquet room and remembered to close his mouth.

The room was large with a high ceiling and floor to ceiling arched windows that had been flung open revealing the dark green patches of the gardens outside. The room was softly lit with lamps in elaborate sconces on the walls. An orchestra sat on a raised platform with their musical instruments. The space in the center was empty, awaiting dancers.

People were scattered through the room, conversing with each other in gentle tones as butlers walked by carrying platters of drink.

As Theo entered, every head turned towards him. Theo's eyes widened and he turned towards Crawford Finch who stood behind him.

"They are looking at you", said Finch. Theo raised his eyebrows but before he could say anything else, Finch spoke again "Brace yourself. Here they come."

A sizeable crowd had gathered around Theo, each keen on introducing themselves. Theo bowed as he had been taught earlier in the week by the Barclay solicitor, Mr. Vandenberg Red.

"My neck is going to be injured with this ridiculousness", thought Theo to himself. "Thankfully there are too many of them to make any meaningful conversation. There are a number of women here"

"Lord Barclay, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance", a woman simpered. "May I present my daughter, Lady Dahlia?"

Theo nodded at the young woman who batted her eyelashes at him.

"Perhaps His Lordship would like to fill her dance card?", the woman asked.

Theo spluttered as he realised what was being asked of him. He was about to say no when Finch elbowed him in the ribs and he nodded his head.

Theo filled in the young woman's dance card as she smiled at him. She had red hair, blue eyes and was dressed in a yellow gown.

Just as he finished filling in the card, a domineering voice parted the crowd.

"Lord Barclay, may I present my daughter Lady Cressida Cowper?", said Lady Cowper.

Theo looked with interest at the new arrival. Having printed several of Whistledown's newsletters he had read a lot about Cressida Cowper.

In flesh, Cressida Cowper was indeed beautiful with blonde hair and large blue eyes. Her svelte frame was wrapped in a wispy white gown with a full skirt.

Theo noted the cruel twist of her lips and the arrogant slant of her head.
"Lovely", thought Theo to himself as he filled Cressida's dance card "and yet...."

Before he could complete his train of thought, the tinkling of glass could be heard and everyone turned their heads in the direction of the sound.

Theo craned his neck but the source of commotion was obscured by the crowd.

"Typical", muttered Cressida Cowper as she shook her head. Theo looked at her with a puzzled expression but then she swiveled her head towards him and adopted a saccharine expression.

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