Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 12

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"Lord Barclay", said Violet. "How wonderful to see you again. You seemed to have disappeared after Lady Montague's ball."

"Lady Violet, the pleasure is all mine", said Theo. "The running of the estate has taken up my time."

"Yes, I understand", said Violet, smiling at him. "My eldest son, Anthony, is the same way. I hope we get to see more of you this season."

"Most definitely, Lady Violet", said Theo. His eyes wandered to Eloise and he bowed to her.

Eloise stared back at him, unused to seeing him in a top hat and coat tails. She found her voice after a few seconds and nodded "Lord Barclay. Fancy seeing you here."

"Mr. Red, lovely to see you again", said Violet nodding at him. "I didn't know you were a racing man."

"Truth be told I am not, Lady Violet", replied Mr. Red. "His Lordship is still finding his way in the ton and it was decided that it would be best if I joined him."

"That's a wonderful idea", said Violet.

"Will you be placing any bets Lord Barclay?", asked Eloise.

"Perhaps you can advise me, Lady Eloise?", said Theo.

"You seem like you need my advice", said Eloise.

"Eloise!", said Violet while Theo merely smiled.

"Here are the bets I will be placing", said Eloise handing over a piece of paper to Theo.

He looked down at the list and said "Well, it looks like I'll have to make these bets myself."

Mr. Red cleared his throat and said discreetly "I'll make those bets for you, my Lord."

"Ah, yes of course. Thank you, Mr. Red", said Theo handing him the paper.

Eloise caught sight of Violet looking curiously at Theo and cleared her throat.

"Well Lord Barclay, I believe the races are about to start", said Eloise, nodding politely at him before turning to Violet.

"Oh, may I escort you to your seats?", asked Theo quickly.

Eloise looked at him in surprise but Violet replied immediately "How kind of you Lord Barclay! Thank you"

Theo smiled and gestured to the two of them.

For the rest of the way, Theo kept up a steady stream of polite conversation with Violet as Eloise walked next to the two of them, pretending to be disinterested.

"Lord Barclay, this is my oldest son Anthony and his wife Kate", said Violet as they reached their seats.

Eloise watched as Theo was introduced to the rest of her family.

"Lord Barclay, since you are new to the ton, perhaps you would like to sit next to us for the races?", asked Violet.

"Why thank you, my lady", responded Theo.

Eloise looked at Theo curiously while Benedict's face mirrored the same expression as he watched Eloise.

"Well, that was futile", said Anthony standing up at the end of the race. "I lost all the bets I made."

"I won all the bets I made", said Eloise in glee jumping up from her seat. "Lord Barclay, I suppose that means you would have as well."

"Yes I have", said Theo looking at her with a smile.

"You took Eloise's advice?", asked Benedict in surprise.

"Yes, he did", said Eloise with a smile. "And may I add that it was enormously beneficial to do so."

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