Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 22

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Eloise stood rooted to the spot as she watched Theo disappear. She strained her ears for the sound of footsteps, she was quite sure she had heard a faint rustling. She turned around and stepped away from the spot, there was no one there.

"It must have been just the wind", thought Eloise. She looked towards the house to see if there was any movement but all was still. There were no servants around and her family seemed to be in their rooms as well.

"If someone had seen us, the alarm bells would have been rung", thought Eloise as she made her way towards the house. Eloise shut the room door, her mind in a whirl.

When she and Theo were in the print shop, Eloise had pulled back because she knew it was impossible. But recent events, Whistledown's discovery and Theo's new life, had made her even more reckless. 

Eloise wasn't quite sure what she was thinking when she pulled Theo close.

"I wasn't thinking", Eloise said aloud. "It was an action motivated clearly by emotion."

She wondered if Daphne had felt the same way when she met her husband, the Duke of Hastings.

"It must have been different", thought Eloise to herself. Her equation with Theo had grown from being stand-offish acquaintances, to friends to....

"To today", thought Eloise with a sigh. Eloise was an honest person and even though it made her blush, she could admit that she had been a willing participant in the kiss.

Her cheeks warmed as the memory of the kiss stirred in her mind.

"I have no idea what happens after this", thought Eloise to herself. She began to pace in her room. 

Eloise had always thought she would end up a spinster, happy in the company of her family and her friends, chiefly Penelope. But the past few weeks had shattered that dream. She had always wanted more for her life, more than just being married. And the recent publication of her article had given her that. Eloise couldn't help but notice the similarity of her endeavour and that of Penelope's column as Whistledown.

"That's not completely true though", thought Eloise. "My column doesn't reveal people's secrets or seek to destroy lives."

Her thoughts continued to race.

Would the kiss mean Theo would propose marriage to her? And if yes, what would that mean for her life? If he didn't propose marriage to her, what would that mean for their friendship? Would they be able to continue their friendship with a disturbingly passionate kiss between them? And what would it mean for Theo's future?

Eloise realised with dread that he would probably marry and settle. After all, it was now expected of him considering he was the Marquess of Barclay.

"What will happen then?", wondered Eloise.

She shook her head and jumped to bed.

"It's best I get to sleep", thought Eloise pulling the covers closer but she stayed awake for a while.


"Morning, my Lord", greeted the butler as he entered the study.

"Morning", said Theo rubbing his eyes.

"Mr. Red is here to see you, my Lord", said the butler. "Shall I ask him to come back later?"

"No no", said Theo massaging his aching head. "Show him into the study in the next ten minutes. I'll be ready by then. Could you also bring me up a strong cup of tea? And a cup for Mr. Red as well?"

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