Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 30

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Eloise sat beside the window, reading as Violet sat with her embroidery. Benedict lounged on a sofa with his drawing book in hand.

Eloise rolled her eyes as she struggled to concentrate on her book. 

Her thoughts were drifting. After their interaction in the print shop, Eloise hadn't seen or heard from Theo. She had spent her days as usual reading and writing when shut in her room but she had taken a greater dislike when having to socialise with the ton. She had refused to attend any of the events with her mother. Violet had been increasingly frustrated with Eloise's behavior over the past few days.

Despite Eloise's silence, Violet had an inkling of what her daughter was going through. 

Violet had seen the expression on Eloise's face when she was dancing with Theo. It was the same expressions her elder daughter Daphne had worn when dancing with the Duke of Hastings.

Though what had happened in the space of a few days was lost on Violet. She gazed across the room at Eloise and spoke "Eloise, my dear you seem to be well today. Perhaps a walk? I am sure some fresh air will work wonders. That way you can attend the ball with us ...."

"Mother, I have no interest in attending another one of those ridiculous events and being trotted around like some show pony!", said Eloise. "I am perfectly happy here with a book."

Violet gave a small smile and then looked at Benedict with raised eyebrows. Benedict took his cue and got up from his seat.

"I think some fencing will do me good", he said and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

"Eloise", said Violet in a gentle but insistent voice.

Eloise gave a frustrated sigh and let the book fall to her lap before turning to her mother.

"What is it?", asked Violet. "You have been out of sorts for the past few weeks. You haven't even been seeing much of Penelope."

Before Eloise could reply, a butler came into the room.

"Lord Horace Twombley, here to call on Lady Violet and Lady Eloise."

The two exchanged glances of surprise and Eloise spoke first.

"Really, Mother?", asked Eloise. "Out of all the eligible bachelors in the ton, that old goat is the one you are trying to push me towards?"

"I have done nothing of the sort!", said Violet. "I didn't even know he was coming!"

The butler looked between them and asked "Shall I show Lord Twombley in, my Lady?"

"Yes very well", said Violet nodding her head.

Violet spoke up as Eloise glared at her and said "We have no option but to be polite. I have no wish to see you married to that man either."

The two of them turned towards the door as footsteps came towards them.

"Lord Horace Twombley", said the butler.

Horace Twombley entered behind the butler and bowed.

"Lady Violet", he said, coming forward. "Lady Eloise."

Eloise merely nodded in his direction while she stayed rooted to her spot. 

"He seems even more dull and odious in the brightness of day", she thought to herself.

Before another word could be said, hurried footsteps were heard and Anthony Bridgerton burst into the room followed closely by Theo Sharpe.

Eloise's eyes widened at the sight but she said nothing. Violet raised her eyebrows and said "Anthony, my dear I didn't know you were coming today."

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