Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 17

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Theo sat at his desk the next morning, reading papers that had been left on his desk. A discrete knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he looked up to see Vandenberg Red, entering the room.

"Ah, Mr. Red. What a pleasure to see you", said Theo, rising to his feet.

"The pleasure is all mine, my Lord", said Mr. Red bowing as he entered the room. "Did you have a pleasant evening at Lady Reddington's?"

Theo sighed and said "As pleasant as I can expect I suppose."

"You just need to give it time, my Lord", said Mr. Red. "Soon, you will be completely at home with the ton."

"I doubt I will ever feel home here", said Theo shaking his head. "No matter, you wanted to see me this morning."

"Yes, my Lord", said Mr. Red. "A few legal matters to go over with you. I also noticed there were quite a few invitations for you this morning. A visit to the country as well."

"A visit to the country?", asked Theo looking up at him. "You mean we are finally going to the Barclay estates?"

"Well, my Lord, the Barclay estates are yours and you would need no invitation to visit them. Actually, it seems the invitation is from Viscount Bridgerton. He has invited you to spend a few days in the country with his family and a few other guests."

Theo stared at Mr. Red for a few moments before responding and then said "Invited me? To the country? Whatever for?"

Mr. Red said gently "My Lord, it is quite natural for the members of the ton to invite each other to their country estates. A chance to get to know the family a bit better in informal settings. Viscount Bridgerton has often had these gatherings at his estate and may I say they are a coveted invitation."

"I hardly know him", said Theo.

"This would be a good chance to get to know him then", said Mr. Red. "Anthony Bridgerton is highly respected among the ton. I believe you have had a few interactions with his sister, Lady Eloise?"

Theo raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

Mr. Red waited for him to speak but instead Theo cleared his throat and said "What about the Barclay estates? If I am going to the country, perhaps it would be prudent to finally visit the estates?"

"Yes of course, my Lord. It can be easily arranged. All the more, I highly recommend it. The Barclay estate is not too far from the Viscount's country estate", said Mr. Red.

"Very well. I believe you will make the trip with me as well?", asked Theo, looking at Mr. Red hopefully.

"Certainly, my Lord. If you wish me to", said Mr. Red with a smile.

"Yes I do", said Theo, returning the smile.

"Now my Lord", began Mr. Red

"Mr. Red", interrupted Theo "Do you think you will ever call me Theo?"

Mr. Red straightened his back and said "No, my Lord. You are the Marquess of Barclay and it would be improper for me to do so."

Theo sighed again and said "I suppose I miss hearing my name."

Mr. Red fell silent for a moment and then spoke "My Lord, I understand that a large part of your life has been spent in.... Different circumstances. But this title is your birthright. Now I don't know what possessed the former Marquess to behave the way he did towards your parents. Nor do I know the story of your parents. But what I do know is this title is yours now. There is more to it than just attending soirees and the concerns of the ton. The title is one of great responsibility and people depend on it for their livelihood. This is even more apparent in the country. That is another reason I believe you should accept the Viscount's invitation. Anthony Bridgerton understands his duty to the people on his estate and fulfils it admirably."

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