Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 31

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 Theo struggled to calm himself as he hurried out of the study and back to the sitting hall. He paused for a moment and fumbled with his jacket, dragging out a scrap of paper. He stood in the doorway of the room and cleared his throat.

Violet rose to her feet when she spotted him and said "Lord Barclay, is everything alright? I was just informed that Lord Twombley left."

"Oh yes, everything is perfectly alright", said Theo with a smile. When Violet looked unconvinced he said "Lord Twombley had some urgent business to attend to after his conversation with the Viscount."

"I see", said Violet, nodding her head. "Well, Lord Barclay shall I call for some tea?"

"Thank you for offering, my Lady. Unfortunately, I must return to Barclay Manor at once. I am needed there", replied Theo. "However, I believe there is a ball this evening. Perhaps I will see the Bridgertons there?"

"Yes we will...", started Violet before Eloise cut across.

"We all may not attend", said Eloise in a sharp tone. Violet looked at her disapprovingly.

"I see", said Theo with a sigh. "Lady Eloise, might I have a look at your book?"

Eloise started but wordlessly handed the book to him. Theo looked at the cover and opened the book with one hand while placing the other on a page. He shut the book with a snap after a moment and handed it back to her, horizontally.

"Byron. A firm favorite it seems", said Theo. "Well, I must be going. Lady Violet, always a pleasure. Lady Eloise."

Theo bowed to both of them and stared at Eloise for a few seconds before turning on his heel and hurrying out.

"Well", said Violet with a small smile as she turned to Eloise. "I think you should accompany us this evening after all, my dear."

Eloise said nothing but left for her room. 

She shut the door and then opened the book. Right enough there was a hastily scrawled note.

Please come this evening. I need to speak with you. There is a reason why you haven't seen me and it's not what you think. Give me a chance to explain myself.

Eloise sighed and shook her head as she looked out the window.


Theo hurried back to Barclay Manor on foot. It wasn't too far from Number 5 Bruton thought Theo to himself as he walked inside.

The moment he entered a butler come to him and said "My Lord, Mr. Red wanted you to know that he is waiting in your study. Mr. Finch is with him as well."

Theo nodded and bounded up the stairs to the study. He freed his neck from the cravat as he opened the door.

Finch sat in a chair in front of the study, his head bowed while Red looked out the window, his hands clasped behind his back and his brow furrowed. A butler stood in the room just by the door.

"My Lord", said Red, turning to Theo when he shut the door. Finch said nothing but rose to his feet.

Theo looked directly at Finch and said in a quiet voice "Why?"

Finch started but didn't say anything.

"Why, Mr. Finch?", asked Theo again.

"My Lord, perhaps you would like to sit down", said Red motioning to the seat behind the desk.

Theo sat behind the desk. 

Red had a few discrete words with the butler who nodded and then left the room.

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