Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Lady Eloise", the footman asked surprised as he sprang to his feet. "What are you...."

Eloise cut his sentence short and said "You know where to take me."

"Lady Eloise", began the footman. "I...."

"Either you can take some of my pin money and I can go in a Bridgerton carriage or I'll have to hail a carriage of my own", said Eloise impatiently.

"No!" said the footman, scandalised and then hesitated, "If anyone were to..."

"As long as we hurry, no one will", interrupted Eloise.

"Lady Eloise, don't you think you are going too far to find out about Whistledown?", asked the footman.

"Hurry", said Eloise.

In a few minutes, the carriage was hurtling through the streets. Eloise took deep, steadying breaths of the cold night air as Lord Palimore's words rang through her ears.

"Insufferable man", Eloise thought to herself. "I have no idea what I'm doing going back to the print shop. Theo made it clear he doesn't wish to see me again. Although what Lord Palimore said may be a good point on how men in today's society view women for Theo to include in his arguments on women's rights."

The carriage came to a halt, breaking into Eloise's thoughts.

"Lady Eloise", said the footman as he opened the door. "Please hurry. This isn't the right place for a lady like you to be at this time."

Eloise hopped down and looked around.

Right enough, the lights in the print shop were on and there was movement inside. But as Eloise made her way to the side, she stopped as she observed the occupants of the shop.

A portly, red faced man with a thick handlebar moustache was standing behind the counter issuing instructions as Fred ran about the shop. There was no sign of Theo.

Eloise waited.

After a few moments, Fred looked up and caught her eye. He burst into a smile but Eloise shook her head and placed a finger on her lips. She jerked her head to the side door.

Fred nodded and turned quickly to the man and said a few words. The man nodded impatiently and Fred lifted a bundle of pamphlets and hurried out of the door towards Eloise.

"Hello", Fred said brightly when he came up to her.

"Fred", said Eloise urgently. "Where is Theo? Is he not working today?"

Fred shook his head and said in a rush "Theo doesn't work here anymore."

"Doesn't work here anymore", repeated Eloise, a sinking feeling enveloping her.

"What do you mean? Is he unwell?"

Fred shook his head, clearly bursting with news. "A few men came for him today."

"What men?", asked Eloise in panic.

"I have no idea", said Fred. "They were like you, posh-like. They came in a big carriage and he left with them. I haven't seen him since."

"Well, did you ask the owner about Theo?", asked Eloise.

Fred said "I have been told not to ask about Theo anymore."

"Well, did Theo say anything to you before he left?", asked Eloise. "How did he seem? Was he scared?"

Fred shrugged and said "He waved. I don't think he was scared, more surprised."

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