Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 11

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"I look perfectly ridiculous", said Theo gazing into the mirror. He was dressed in black coat tails with white shirt and a grey vest with a top hat.

He flung the top hat to the side and turned around to face Vandenberg Red who was similarly attired.

"Mr. Red, where did you even have the time to find this outfit for me?", asked Theo.

"Well my Lord, when you took over the title of the Marquess, we saw it fit to have suitable attire made for you. The suit is perfectly in line with what gentlemen wear to the races", said Mr. Red

"Remind me again why I am going to the races?", said Theo.

"The races are one of the highlights of the social calendar for the ton. In fact the former Marquess was a regular and used to win significant sums of money on the bets he placed", replied Mr. Red. "As his successor, it's only fitting that you make an appearance. It would also help you get on better terms with the members of the ton. Continued absence on your part in the social scene would lead to uncomfortable questions and..."

"Expose the truth of being a print shop assistant?", finished Theo.

Mr. Red sighed but didn't say anything.

"Why does it matter if someone were to find out the truth?", asked Theo.

"Well, my Lord. The rest of your life is to be with the ton. Any form of ostracization would be highly unpleasant, I can assure you. The ton has a tendency to...."

"Think the worst of everyone?", suggested Theo.

Mr. Red shook his head with slight disapproval and said "My Lord, I assure you there are people in the ton who are worthy of your Lordship's friendship and attention. You just need to get to know them, that's all."

"Very well. You have convinced me to wear this outfit. Let's make haste so we can get back soon", said Theo. "Ummm..... Will everyone from the ton be there? The Bridgertons as well?"

Mr. Red raised his eyebrows but only said "The Bridgertons regularly attend the races, my Lord. I would be surprised if they weren't to attend."

Theo nodded as he turned to the mirror for a final look. He sighed and placed the hat back on his head before heading out the door with Mr. Red.

"Lord Barclay, what a pleasure to see you today. We were worried you wouldn't show up for the races today", said a Lady to Theo.

Theo nodded politely as he smiled at her. He looked around as she prattled on.

The ton had turned up in full force for the first day of the races. The day was bright and sunny and Theo was beginning to feel a bit warm in his attire.

"It was preferable to work in the print shop and not wear this hat", thought Theo to himself.

"Yes, it was lovely seeing you again", Theo said aloud, snapping back to the present as the Lady prepared to take her leave. She simpered as she walked away from him.

"Lovely indeed", Theo thought to himself as she walked away. "But there is nothing there. It's not like when I speak to....

Before he could complete the thought in his mind, a voice called out his name.

He turned to find a large woman with elaborately arranged red hair, dressed in a shocking shade of pink. She had a permanent smile attached to her face as she bore down on him.

"Lady Featherington", muttered Mr. Red to him. "Careful, all she wishes is for her daughters to find suitors."

Theo cleared his throat and adjusted his collar, bracing himself as she stopped in front of him.

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