Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 13

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Theo sat back in his study and tossed his hat onto the desk. He stared out the window. The last rays of the setting sun had found their way into the study and lit up the parquet wood flooring. A gentle breeze stole into the study and Theo closed his eyes.

Theo smiled as he thought over the events of the day.

"First time at the races. Not bad for Theo Sharpe, a printer's assistant. Still, the ton is unbelievably posh. And pompous. Except for the Bridgertons, they were nice. Eloise and her mother were. Not sure what the brothers thought of me. I have to be careful though, I made quite a few slips today."

A knock at the door, broke into Theo's train of thought.

"My Lord,", said Finch entering the room. He had an envelope in his hand which he handed to Theo. "This came for you a while back."

"Thank you", said Theo, taking the envelope from him. "By the way, I signed some of these documents. I wanted to go through the numbers on the rest with you. Perhaps some time tomorrow will do?"

"Yes if that's what you wish, my Lord", said Finch. "Also these three invitations turned up for you. It seems your presence has excited the ton."

"Ah well", said Theo, waving them aside. "I would prefer to spend my time on the estate for the next few weeks. Today's outing was enough."

"If that's your wish, my Lord, I wouldn't dream of questioning it", said Finch. "However, if I may offer my advice to your Lordship, I have been around the ton for slightly longer. The season is the highlight of their yearly calendar. They don't look too kindly about members who go out of their way to snub their invitations. And may I remind His Lordship that the last thing we need is prying questions into His Lordship's habits and past. Besides, you seem to be getting along well with members of the ton. Mr. Red mentioned to me today that you had the chance to spend time with the Bridgertons."

"Yes I did", said Theo, turning slightly red and shuffling the papers on his desk.

"A fine family", said Finch. "I'm sure you would soon find yourself comfortable with other members of the ton as well. And let's not forget, the estates of the ton do interact with each other for business. Having the ton think well of you can only help the estate."

"Yes, I'm sure you're right", said Theo in a slightly resigned voice.

"Shall I accept these invitations on behalf of your Lordship then?", asked Finch.

Theo nodded his head and opened up the envelope. His eyes zoomed across the page and a thick yellow pamphlet fell out of the envelope onto the desk.

"Is everything alright, my Lord?" asked Finch, looking at him with a slight frown.

"Hmmm....Yes, yes. Everything is alright", said Theo with a smile and nodded his head.

"Very well, my Lord. I will take your leave", said Finch and bowed before heading out.

Theo didn't hear the door shut behind Finch as he sat back down in his chair.

Theo cast the letter aside and picked up the pamphlet.

"Eloise's article", he thought with a smile. "I have to tell her."

Theo had risen to his feet and then stopped dead.

"I can't go and see her", he thought to himself. "Marquess or print shop assistant, it's still improper to ask to see a lady alone at night. I suppose being a Marquess of the ton makes it even more so. I'll have to communicate with her the way I did before."

As Theo hunted around the study for a book, he remembered the last time he had communicated with Eloise through a secret letter; it had been to let her know about Whistledown.

Eloise BridgertonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora