Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 14

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Eloise nodded and followed Theo out of the room. They wove their way through the crowd and reached a corner of the street, hidden from prying eyes by an awning.

"Eloise, what are you doing here?", asked Theo, turning to her.

"Like I told you previously, I am interested in sharing thoughts with like minded people", said Eloise.

Theo sighed and said "The last time you did that, Whistledown wrote terrible things about you."

Eloise didn't reply and instead pulled out a pamphlet from her pocket.

"I believe you sent this to me?", Eloise asked, looking up at him.

Theo nodded and said "I'm surprised it got to you so quickly. I sent it the moment I recognized the article in the pamphlet. I thought you would want to see it. I hope it didn't cause any problems for you."

Eloise shook her head and said "No, it came via the late post as a book. Everyone at home knows how much I read and didn't think much of it. Thank you for sending it across to me. It's quite exciting isn't it? To have an article published."

"Yes it is", said Theo smiling at her elation. "And that article is good. You should be proud of yourself."

"Why are you here?", asked Eloise.

"A few reasons", said Theo shrugging his shoulders and looking around.

"What's the first?", prodded Eloise.

"Well", said Theo rummaging in his own pockets and pulling out sheafs of parchment. "I wrote an article last night and I wanted to have it printed."

"Ah, I see", said Eloise, taking the papers from him. "Duties as a Lord not keeping you busy enough?"

Theo gave a small laugh and said "Not sure what duties I have been performing till now. They don't seem to be much."

Eloise sat down on the stone step and began reading the first parchment. Theo watched her for a few moments and then crouched down on the step next to her, careful to keep a slight distance between them.

He looked around the street as Eloise read in silence. Theo smiled as he observed the streets of London waking up to another morning of work. People hurried by, calling to each other, their attire all reflecting their professions.

"The ton not only dresses differently but moves differently as well", thought to himself. "The ton have the time to move about in a leisurely, unconstrained fashion. Whereas we, well we have to hurry as every minute lost means another penny disappears from our pockets. Not that there were too many pennies to begin with."

"What?", asked Eloise as she caught Theo smiling.

Theo shook his head and said "Have you finished reading?"

"Just on the last page", said Eloise.

"Take your time", said Theo. "I'm sure you'll have corrections for me when you finish."

"Don't worry", said Eloise. "I'm making them as I go."

Theo gave a small laugh as Eloise bent her head over the paper again.

After a few moments, Eloise said "Here you go."

Theo nodded his thanks as he tucked it inside his pocket "I suppose I can leave off handing it in."

"Surprising, no witty repartee this time?", asked Eloise. Theo shrugged and looked around.

Eloise gazed at him for a while, taking in the dark hair, deep eyes and soft profile. He lounged on the step next to her, completely at ease in his surroundings.

Eloise BridgertonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora